元气满满MooMoo哒 Drum Cover
Since Ayden resumed online classes in late January this year, his school has been giving them lots of interesting assignments to be submitted online. I’ve shared two of them earlier – CNY Cooking Video and CNY Plum Blossom Art Today, I’ll be sharing another assignment – it is a dance assignment to the viral MooMoo song this year but instead of dancing, Ayden did what he does best; played the drum cover to that song. […]
Personalized Tees for my Drummer Boys
Remember I printed some customized caps for both my drummer boys back in September last year? Well, they are very happy with their caps and are now requesting for more. They asked me if they can have personalised tees to go with their caps. Since I am pretty happy with those caps we got from Printcious , I decided to print a drummer’s tee for the boys. The whole process was very easy. I just […]
Drummer Ethan and Drummer Ayden’s LIVE performance at Sunway Giza Mall
Sunway Giza Mall celebrated its 10th Anniversary on Saturday and both the boys were invited to perform in collaboration with United Piano Sunway Giza. Both Ethan and Ayden performed two songs each. Let me share some photos first. The boys with their drum teacher, Teacher Mazlan. Now let’s watch their performances videos: Ayden’s performance of the first song – HANDS CLAP Ethan’s performance of the first song – JUST GIVE ME A REASON Ayden’s performance […]
Custom made DRUMMER caps for my Drummer boys
Most of my readers know both my boys are avid drummers as I regularly share videos of their drum covers. I even created a Youtube playlist especially for all their drum covers so it will be easier to follow their updates. You can track their updates here -> Drum Covers They are slowly but surely upgrading their drum set from the basic 5-piece set to an elaborate set of their dreams. I wanted to contribute […]
The boys’ first time attending a rock concert
On the 1st of August, Ethan got a chance of a lifetime to perform in front of his favourite rock band Mad August during the press conference for their upcoming concert. I’ve blogged about it here. Fast forward to 30 August, I brought the boys to attend that said concert. This is Ethan and Ayden’s first time attending a concert and they are pretty excited about it. We got rock zone tickets; a free-standing […]
Our Little Drummer Boys
Last Sunday (25/8/2019) was a very memorable day for our drummer boys as they both get to perform LIVE in a mall in the Klang Valley. Big brother Ethan is used to performing as he is the school’s drummer so I am not too worried for him. I was more concerned for little Ayden as this is only his second time performing for a crowd yet he nailed it effortlessly. The Daddy and I are […]
Drummer Ethan’s dream come true: Meeting Mad August
1st August 2019 This date will forever be embedded in Ethan’s memory as this is the day he got to meet his idols – the members of the awesome rock band Mad August in person. When I posted some pictures on my FB yesterday, a friend commented, “They are like the Malaysia version of Beyond now” and I must agree with him. So not only Ethan got to meet them, he also had the privilege […]
Drum with Ayden: 2018 Trinity Rock & Pop Drums Grade 3
I just realised I did not update Ayden’s drum progress since October last year. We suddenly got busy closer to the year end and it carried on into the new year that I totally missed updating Ayden’s journey in Grade 2. He has since been upgraded to Grade 3 now. Ayden learned several songs from Grade 3 already but I only managed to record him playing two songs at the moment. I think we are […]
Drum Cover: FADED | Alan Walker
I’m so thankful Ethan has been under the guidance of one of the greatest drum teacher out there since he was 5 years old until today. He has grown so much under this teacher’s guidance and is now comfortable playing commercial songs. Ethan’s school teacher requested for him to cover the song FADED by Alan Walker so here it is: Do you have any song you want to see Ethan cover? Do let us know […]
Learning the drums at 41 years old | Mama RockStar wannabe
Ayden is finally in preschool this year. This means I have 4 hours of daily free time on weekdays. I did not feel much change in my routine earlier this year as I was busy rushing to complete customers’ orders of my Chinese New Year cookies. Reality sank in after the Chinese New Year holidays when both the boys returned to school. I was left with FOUR hours of FREEDOM a day by myself. FOUR […]
Drum with Ayden: 2018 Trinity Rock & Pop Drums Grade 1 New Syllabus
It has been almost 5 months now since Ayden started attending drumming lessons. I shared his videos in this blog as well as on Facebook and received many inquiries from curious moms wanting to start their little kids on drums too. I will continue sharing so you can see his progress and to know what the exam songs are for Trinity Rock & Pop Drums new syllabus. If you are planning to start your kid […]
Drum with Ethan: Uptown Funk
You’ve watched Ayden play the simplified version of Uptown Funk from his Grade 1 book. You’ve probably watched me trying to play that same song too. Yes, the keyword there is TRY as I am still unable to play it accurately today. Now let’s see how big bro Ethan does it but of course he’ll be playing the ORIGINAL and COMPLETE version of Uptown Funk.
Drum with Ayden: Fever
Hello hello! It’s time for another update on Ayden’s drumming. The new Trinity Rock & Pop Drums 2018 syllabus has really some awesome songs in it such as the classic hit Billie Jean and recent hit Uptown Funk and Seven Nation Army. The rest of the songs are quite catchy but I am not familiar with them yet Ayden is determined to learn them all. These days Ayden spends less time on electronic gadget because […]
Drum with Ayden: Seven Nation Army
Another quick update on our little drummer Ayden. As mentioned earlier, he started attending drum lessons in June this year. He is into the 4th month of drumming and enjoying every moment of it. Here is Ayden playing Seven Nation Army. If you have not watch any of his previous drumming videos, I’d recommend you to watch this one. He totally enjoyed playing this song and it shows as he shakes his head while playing […]
Drum with Ethan: Despacito
Both my drummer boys are on a roll. They are churning out drum covers faster than I can update my blog Ethan’s primary school teacher requested for two songs from him – Despacito and 我们不一样 WO MEN BU YI YANG. Ethan gets help from his drum teacher to teach him. I’ve shared 我们不一样 WO MEN BU YI YANG earlier so here is Ethan playing Despacito: Drummer Ethan @ 11Y1M If you are keen to watch Ethan’s previous […]
Drum with Ayden: Billie Jean
Drummer Ayden may be too young to know who Michael Jackson is but since he learned the song Billie Jean, he is hooked to the rest of MJ’s songs. For those keen to start your little ones on drumming, this is one of the 6 songs available in the 2018 Trinity Rock & Pop Drums Grade 1. Ayden is into the 4th month of learning the drums and here are other fun songs he […]
Drum with Ethan: 我们不一样 WO MEN BU YI YANG drum cover
After sharing a video of Little Drummer Ayden playing Uptown Funk in my previous post, it’s time to share Big Brother Ethan’s latest drum cover. Can you imagine how great a neighbour we are with these two budding drummers at home? Ethan’s drum cover this time is a Chinese song – 我们不一样. I don’t know the meaning of this song but I like listening to it. Ethan learns to play shuffle beats on the hi hats for […]
Drum with Ayden: Uptown Funk
Ayden is into the 4th month of learning the drums and has shown vast improvements as he practices regularly at home. This is the best age to be learning music as he has all the time in the world. He is not burdened with school nor homeworks so he can enjoy playing the drums as and when he wishes. Ayden learned another song over the week. It is his favourite song – Uptown Funk. I […]
Drum with Ayden: 2018 Trinity Rock & Pop Drum Grade 1 | Another One Bites The Dust
Ayden grows up seeing big brother Ethan playing the drum and piano. It influences him to learn the piano and take up drumming too. I use big bro Ethan’s old books to guide Ayden on the piano but that’s about it. He never pursue it further unlike drum. He requested for us to enroll him for formal lessons under Ethan’s drum teacher and we did back in June. It has been almost 3 months now […]
Drum with Ethan: It’s My Life Drum Cover
A brand new day on a brand new week. Today I would like to share Ethan’s latest drum cover – It’s My Life by Bon Jovi. According to Ethan, this song is easier to play compared to the more challenging BURN he did previously. BURN remains as his most challenging cover todate. Ethan is still very much passionate about drumming. We are lucky he has an equally passionate and patient drum teacher to guide him […]
Drum with Ethan: Ellie Goulding’s BURN Drum Cover
Ethan’s latest drum cover. This time he played Ellie Goulding’s BURN. It is one of his most challenging drum cover todate. I am his biggest fan. I love watching him play especially to this song ♥ Drummer Ethan @ 10y10m
REWRITE THE STARS Piano and Drum Cover by Ethan
How many of you watched The Greatest Showman? I heard it’s good but can you believe we did not manage to catch it in the cinema? Anyway, here is Drummer Ethan’s cover to Rewrite The Stars. It is his first time playing BOTH the piano and drum for the same song. He learns the piano piece from YouTube. As for the drums, his drum teacher guided him. It is also my first time combining two videos […]
Drum with Ethan: Fight Song
Ethan is 10 years 7 months old. He has been playing drum for 5 years now. These days, he loves playing commercial songs. He learns these songs from YouTube and at times, gets assistance from his drum teacher to help him with the more complicated beats. This is his latest drum cover – Fight Song by Rachel Platten. This week is also his school’s first term exam so yeah, fight on Ethan! For me, what […]
Piano with Ethan: How Far I’ll Go
Ethan is currently without a teacher for piano. His previous teacher has her own studio now but it is far away from us. She is also teaching in a music school not very far away from us yet not very near either but we are unable to commit due to time and distance factor. To pass his time, Ethan uses YouTube as his guide. He learned this song, “How Far I’ll Go” from Disney’s Moana […]
Baby Shark Dance and Drum Cover by Little Ayden and Drummer Ethan
Is the Baby Shark craze still on? Ayden listened to this song when he was very little but recently it became a hit all over again. Since the boys has nothing much to do during the school holidays, we recorded this Baby Shark Dance and Drum Cover by Little Ayden and big brother Drummer Ethan. Hope you enjoy the video: Check-out the compilation of their music videos here.
Drum with Ethan: PERFECT drum cover
Ethan plays the drum and piano a lot during the school holidays. It keeps him occupied. Ed Sheeran’s PERFECT is trending again since the release of Perfect Symphony with Andrea Bocelli and it prompted Ethan to play this song. This is also the first song he learns to play by himself. Take a listen to his drum cover to Perfect: Check-out the rest of their music videos here.
Drummer Ethan: Live Band Performance
Bzz bzz bzz… we are busy as a bee. Just the other day I shared Ethan’s drum performance at First City University College. Now I have two more videos to share as he performed with his band members for his school’s Talent Night last Saturday. Because this is a live band performance and includes many of his schoolmates (other than himself), I decided to blur out the name of the school for privacy purposes. They […]
Drummer Ethan: Guest Performer at First City UC Idol Semi-Final
It is the end of the academic year for 2017. Ethan is no longer occupied with studies and homework but is now busy with many drum performances ahead. Last week, he received an invitation to perform at First City UC Idol Semi-Final that was held today. He did not have much time to prepare so we just decided for him to play any song that he is most comfortable with. He is not a participant […]
Ayden’s musical journey
If you have been following my blog and FB, you’ll know that big brother Ethan is a drummer as well as a pianist. He started learning piano when he was 5 and half a year later he took up drums. For piano, the piano teacher comes over to our house therefore Ayden sees her teaching the kor-kor all the time. It also intrigued him into playing the piano. The piano teacher did introduce Ayden to […]
Drumming with Ethan
It has been so long since I last uploaded a video of Ethan’s drumming. Drumming has taken a back seat in his life at the moment as he has been busy with other stuffs but he still attends drumming lessons once a week. He still plays the drum every once in a while though as he’ll be sitting for Grade 6 exam next month. He gets bored when he has no performance scheduled in the […]
Drum with Ethan: Ethan’s Performance at Sunway Giza mall
Today’s agenda is having Ethan perform at Sunway Giza for a musical concert. He performed two Grade 6 exam pieces in front of an audience. A week ago I suggested for Ethan to ditch the book and play by ear as I find it weird to see a drummer playing with a book in front of him. Today, he proves to me that he is able to do that – playing without his exam book […]
Drum Rehearsal
Ethan went to school late today as he attended a rehearsal earlier. He’ll be the opening act for a college’s talent competition this Friday (thanks to Piano Station for arranging it) and today is his first rehearsal. Ethan in the music room while waiting for the hall to be ready. I like how the students padded the walls with egg cartons. I’ve always wanted to do this for Ethan’s drum room but never got about […]
Exam woes during the school holidays
With a blink of an eye we are already half way through the two weeks of the school holidays. Our holidays started great with the 4D/3N trip up to Genting but immediately after we got home it was busy, busy and busy for Ethan as he has his Grade 2 Trinity Piano exam on the 4th and Grade 4 Trinity Drum exam on the 10th June! So while other children are playing and enjoying their […]
Ethan’s Drumming Journey
Ethan first started learning drum in October 2012. He was 5 years old then. And by October 2013, his drum teacher featured him on the cover of his first book ‘Play With Colours’ Volume 1. Through the music school, Ethan got the chance to perform in public. Fast forward to 2015, Ethan is now waiting to sit for his Grade 4 exam somewhere in May or June. And this is one of the exam piece […]
Green Day – Minority Drum Cover
We just got home from celebrating a friend’s early birthday and I am dead tired. Been sleeping really late the past few nights so tonight I think I’ll catch up on my sleep. That also means I won’t be able to write a long blog post. I realised that I’ve not posted videos of Ethan playing the drum or piano for quite some time now so here goes. This is Ethan drumming to the song […]
Ethan’s First Talent Competition
Ethan participated in his very first talent competition yesterday. It is called, “Kids Got Talent“. When we first found out about this competition, Ethan was excited to participate. But after reading further details, we found this clause – THIS TALENT COMPETITION IS OPEN TO ALL MALAYSIAN AGED BETWEEN 4 TO 18 YEARS OLD and we were like, “OK. 18 year olds are NOT kids!” and got hesitant from participating BUT Darling was very positive. He encouraged […]
Crystal Piano
Have you ever seen a crystal piano for real? I haven’t until last Monday. We were in Piano Station where I saw, touched and took pictures of it! Lomence Crystal Grand Piano These modern crystal pianos look like they come out of fairy tales. It would be super awesome if there is one that is totally transparent but the price for that will definitely be sky high. The ones here are already hitting the roof! […]
Talent Night
The day Ethan has been waiting for – Piano Station Talent Night has finally arrived. On that very same day also we got the best news ever, Ethan’s drum teacher messaged me to inform that Ethan passed his Trinity Grade 2 Examination that he sat for earlier this month! I let Ethan read that message and he squealed in delight! He let out a loud sigh of relief and hugged me real tight! Of course […]
Weekend Updates
How was your weekend? Ours was a very hectic one. Besides having additional tuition classes for my students to prepare them for the upcoming UPSR trial which was supposed to start tomorrow (but now all school closed due to the haze, I’m not sure about the UPSR trial anymore though) we were also busy with Ethan’s public drum performances with other students from Piano Station, Sunway Giza for two consecutive nights. After my tuition classes […]
Talent Night Rehearsal
June is a hectic month for Ethan. After 8 months since starting his drum lessons, he sat for his Trinity Grade 2 Drum Exam earlier this month and coming end of this month, he will be performing in the first ever Talent Night organised by his drum school, Piano Station. They had a full dress rehearsal last Saturday at Sunway Mas Community Centre. I was told it was a full-dressed rehearsal but I see […]
First experience
Phew! Last weekend was a hectic one for us as Ethan had his very first public drum performance in Sunway Giza Mall for two consecutive days. He played only drum on Saturday but by Sunday, he’s confident enough to play the piano too. Ethan and the other 3 drummers 10, 10 and 11 years old. Here’s a video of Ethan playing one of the 5 drum pieces. And here’s him playing a simple piece on […]
Ethan’s public drum presentation in Sunway Giza
Remember Ethan’s first drum lesson two months ago? I blogged about him and his handsome teacher here. This was his first drum practice at home after his lesson: A couple of days ago, Sunway Giza was looking for kids to perform on their Christmas decorated stage next week and Ethan’s drum teacher asked him if he would like to give it a try. Ethan agreed immediately as it has always been his dream of performing […]
School Is Out!
School is OUT and that means lesser jam on the road but heavier traffic in the shopping malls! >_< Actually his class is still on going until December before he gets a one week break but the rainy season made us trapped at home and he loves playing the piano and drum to pass his time. Here he is playing “School Is Out” by Barbara Gallagher in the Hal Leonard Student Piano Solos Book 2. […]
You learn, I learn. You no learn, I won’t too..
It has been 6-7 months now since Ethan first learned how to play the piano. Throughout these period, I have been able to keep up with the lessons and guide him in the absence of his piano teacher. Then slowly, he starts to be better than me, reading piano notes more fluently while I still struggle trying to recognize those notes. However, together, Ethan and I made good progress. He always makes sure that I […]
His first drum lesson
We’ve finally enrolled Ethan for drum lessons. He has been learning beginner drum beats from YouTube but doesn’t know what to do with those beats so I had to get a drum teacher to assist him. He had his first lesson today and enjoyed every bit of it as finally after a week having the drum set at home, he can now drum to songs! The drum teacher taught Ethan to read drum notes. After […]
Introducing DRUM
This used to be his study room that he shares with my other students. But we have cleared the wall and gave it a fresh coat of paint. Installed air-cond so we can sound-proof the room. Bought a rug from IKEA. Ethan specifically chose that design. It looked kinda tribal to me but since this is going to be his room and he wants that, so, yeah, we got that. And tah-dah… TODAY the delivery […]
Drumming dilemma
Some of you knows this story already lah. The story about Ethan getting rejected from a particular yang mahal music school *YAngMAHAl* It happened when we were shopping and since Ethan has been pestering us to let him try drumming, we brought him to that music school in the shopping mall to see what are the options. What happened after that was totally out of our expectation. The person at the reception took one glance […]
Piano lesson update: Popeye the Sailor Man
4 1/2 months into his piano lessons, he is now Popeye the Sailor Man! :P Hehe.. my little Popeye :P His new set of books now are Hal Leonard Piano Lessons Book 2, Hal Leonard Piano Solos Book 2 and Hal Leonard Popular Piano Solos Level 2.
Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star
Two months plus into his piano lessons, Ethan has completed the Hal Leonard’s Piano Lessons (Bk 1) and Piano Solos (Bk 1). Piano Solos and Piano Lessons Book 1 done. He’s awarded with the above certificate ^_^ He wrote his own name while his teacher signed her name :D The cert means so much to him! Haha.. kids.. they all need some kind of motivation and encouragement, don’t they? He’s also 3/4 through this My […]
Singing and Playing the Piano
After two months of piano lessons, Ethan now loves to sing and play the piano at the same time. I can so gladly trade all the shouting at home with the piano sound (and his singing too). It’s so much easier to keep him occupied these days. He’ll either be playing with his vehicle set, building blocks or the piano. That only means I have more time to BLOG :P Nah.. he’ll force me to […]
Music Staff
Yes I know, another piano lesson post. Bare with me as I’m keeping his milestone as remembrance and for future reference :D Since Ethan started piano lessons 28th of last month, he has been playing the piano first thing when he wakes up in the morning, in the afternoons when he gets home from BaoBei, in the evenings after playground and at nights before he goes to bed. He loves it that much. He has […]
My Personal Bali Spa
… piano player. Yes, since Ethan started his piano lessons 2 weeks ago, I now have my very own bali spa pianist :D This is the book he used for his lessons – Hal Leonard Piano Lesson Book 1 (RM22.90) And this is the book he uses to complement his lessons – Hal Leonard Piano Solos Book 1 (RM31.50) Now, let’s take a listen to him playing some soothing Bali spa music ^_^ Here’s Ethan […]
Drum vs Piano
Late last year, Ethan requested for drum lessons. I don’t know where he got the idea from but I guess it must be after we watched Justin Bieber playing the drum when he was like what… 4? Talking about Justin Bieber, have you listen to his latest single, Boyfriend? I haven’t but my niece is nuts about him. Can’t blame her though, after all, her name is Hazel. She was BORN a NUT! :P Ok, […]