Homemade Christmas Fruitcake Cookies For SALE
Do you like FRUITCAKES but loves cookies more? Then you’ll LOVE this Christmas Fruitcake COOKIES. All the goodness of fruitcake in bite-sized crunchy cookies. I am not a huge fan of Christmas Fruitcake. It’s not that I don’t like them, I do like and eat them even but I just can’t eat a lot of it because they are somehow too rich. However, when it comes to cookies, I can eat them like there’s no […]
Koleksi Resipi Kuih Muih Malaysia | Tried and Tested Traditional Snacks Recipe
KOLEKSI RESIPI KUIH MUIH MALAYSIA I just realised I’ve made quite a lot of kueh lately. Let me list them all down in alphabetical order. I assure you these are all tried and tested recipe hence they are guarantee jadi punya. ABOK ABOK BUNGA TELANG ANGKU KUEH APAM BALIK APAM GULA MELAKA APAM PUTIH (BAI TANG GAO) BAYAM CELUP TEPUNG BEBOLA BIJAN BEBOLA KELEDEK BEGEDIL DAGING BINGKA JAGUNG CEKODOK PISANG CHOCOLATE PANCAKE COCONUT CANDY CUCUR […]
Delicious VEGAN PEANUT BUTTER cookies recipe
I wanted to bake for a friend who is a vegan and also lactose intolerant. That means eggs and dairy milk are out. That also means cakes are out because I have never bake a cake without eggs or milk. I asked my baker friends and one suggested peanut cookies as it doesn’t require eggs except for the glazing part. I researched further and wooolah – VEGAN PEANUT BUTTER COOKIES and I made them from […]
Sesame Cookies Recipe
Little Chef Ayden is back and this time he baked some delicious sesame cookies using Martha Stewart’s recipe. This is one of the simplest cookies to bake so if you are looking for something to bake with your little ones, I would highly recommend this recipe. Ingredients: 1 cup all-purpose flour 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/2 teaspoon baking soda 8 tablespoons (1 stick) unsalted butter, room temperature (we used 115 gram butter) 1 cup packed light-brown […]
Quick & Easy Sardine Puff Recipe
Ayden is allowed to bring snacks to school every Wednesday. I’m at my wits end trying to think of what to let him share with his friends once a week. Today, I decided to get him bake his own sardine puff and if it is a success, he’ll bake this for his friends this Wednesday. True enough, it is a HUGE success because we used store bought pastry and canned sardine 😁 Ingredients: Frozen Puff pastry […]
Betty Crocker’s Super Moist Chocolate Cake
It’s the school holidays. To keep the boys occupied, I made them try baking Betty Crocker’s Super Moist Chocolate Cake using our Philips All-in-One cooker. It is our first time baking using our AIO and we are so glad it turned out perfect. Rich, moist and not overly sweet. I baked this cake using my electric oven before but I must say, it is better with the All-In-One cooker as it retained the moisture really […]
Piggy Meat Floss Biscuit Recipe
The Pig is the twelfth of the 12-year cycle of animals which appear in the Chinese zodiac related to the Chinese calendar. We’ll be welcoming the Year of the Boar in 2019. I’ve been experimenting with recipes to come out with something cute and came out with this cute Piggy Meat Floss Biscuit. Year of The Boar Piggy Meat Floss Biscuit is very delicious. It takes forever to shape and bake but is gone into […]
Bake with Ayden: Moist Banana Cupcake
Our Lil’ Chef Ayden is back in the kitchen after a long hiatus. This time he does some baking. He baked banana cupcakes using the same delicious Moist Banana Cake recipe. Ingredients: 220g self-raising flour 140g sugar 2 eggs (lightly beaten) 115g butter 4 bananas 1/2 tsp baking soda 20ml milk 1/2 tsp banana flavouring (optional) Method: 1) Preheat oven to 160 Celsius. 2) Mash the bananas. 3) Break the eggs in a bowl and […]
Little Chefs Bake: Almond Cookies Recipe
Hello! How is the long school holidays treating you guys? We are busy as ever… busy doing nothing Today we found time to bake something for the coming festive weekend. Our little chefs baked Darling’s favourite cookie – Almond Cookies. It is super simple yet the Daddy and the boys love it so much hence we bake this often. Almond Cookies Ingredients for Almond Cookies: 115g salted butter (1/2 cup) 90g fine sugar (1/2 cup) […]
Little Chefs Bake: Happy Nut Chocolate Chip Cookies Recipe
Happy Nut.. that’s what my boys call Pistachio nuts. We super love this nut and today, we are going to try baking cookies with it. Today’s cookies is super simple to bake. No mixer is required as we are using the knead method. It is our first try yet I am happy to report that it is a success! Ingredients: 350g self-raising flour 100g pistachio nuts (coarsely chopped) 75g chocolate chips 100g fine sugar 175g […]
Little Chefs Bake: Chocolate Cheese Cupcake
Ayden has been requesting to bake cupcakes ever since he saw Peppa Pig eating one. Now that we have an oven, he is allowed to bake almost anything he wishes. We start with his longtime request for cupcakes. I asked him what cupcake he wants and he answered, “Cheese!” Since we still have cream cheese in our fridge, I decided to let them bake Chocolate Cheese Cupcake today. Chocolate Cheese Cupcake Look at how excited […]
Little Chef Bakes: Cranberry Cornflakes Cookies
My house smells like a bakery these days with the amount of baking we did. Chinese New Year is just two months away so I am busy perfecting our festive cookies recipes. I wanted to work on Christmas cookies but I’m really no good at it. Maybe next year, let me take lessons first *sweat* Today’s recipe sharing is one of the most popular Chinese New Year cookie – Cranberry Cornflakes Cookies. I’ve always love […]
Little Chefs Bake: Chocolate Chips Walnut Cookies Recipe
I am a cookie monster. It’s my weakness. I think everybody knows that. The main reason I bought the oven is to bake cookies especially festive cookies. But before we go on baking festive cookies, let’s start off with my all-time favourite – Chocolate Chips Cookies ala Subway’s giant cookie; crispy on the outside and chewy on the inside. Chocolate Chips Walnut Cookies Ingredients: 227g butter 180g white sugar 190g brown sugar 375g all-purpose flour […]
Moist Banana Cake Recipe
The Daddy bought us an oven over the weekend. How excited we are as we can now bake IN AN OVEN! We have previously been baking using our rice cooker but no matter what, there is a limit to it. Now that we have a real oven, we are all set to explore the world of baking! We officiated our oven by baking a moist banana cake today. Simple yet delicious Moist Banana Cake. Ingredients: […]
Eat Cake Today – Cake Delivered to Your Doorstep
Scenario A You wanna be a super mom and insists to bake a cake for your kid’s birthday party. You also want to cook up a few signature dishes for your guests. In the midst of a hectic kitchen, the cake turned out a flop. It is too late to try baking again because there is chicken roasting in the oven now. What do you do? Don’t cry. You will get to eat cake today. […]
Bake with Ayden: Kek Kurma / Honey Dates Cake
The fasting month is fast approaching. This is the time when my favourite buah kurma or honey dates are available in abundance. We came out with this recipe back in 2015. It took us two bakings to get it right back then. Now, it is my fail proof recipe come the holy month of Ramadan. I like to bake this for my neighbours during this time of the year and am glad they love it […]
Bake with Ayden: Rice Cooker Cheesecake
My family loves cheesecake a lot but we’ve never baked one ourselves as we don’t have an oven. We came across a rice cooker cheesecake recipe online recently and got excited to try it out. The only problem is, the recipe from Dingo Food is not in English and when I clicked on the translated version, it requires the use of FOUR DOGS! I reckon it will be such a hassle to catch 4 dogs. Moreover, […]
Bake with Ayden: Steamed Banana Cupcakes
We love bananas. It is one of our favourite local fruits. Banana is KING when it comes to nutrition. It is power-packed with essential vitamins and minerals such as potassium, calcium and many more. Potassium helps to maintain a healthy balance of fluids in the body and as an electrolyte, potassium stimulates nerves and muscles throughout our body. I eat banana everyday before going for my evening jog. Last week, it rained almost every evening deterring us from […]
Bake with Ethan AND Ayden: Rice Cooker Moist Chocolate Cake Recipe
I’ve shared this super simple yet extremely delicious moist chocolate cake recipe back in 2015. This cake requires no mixer and bakes perfectly in the rice cooker. During the recent school holidays, I got the boys to bake this favourite cake of theirs themselves. Ingredients: 180g Salted Butter 180g Brown Sugar 100ml Full Cream Milk (I used Fresh Milk instead) 2 Eggs (lightly beaten) 100g Self-Raising Flour 1/2 tsp Baking Soda 50g Cocoa Powder Method: 1) Add […]
My favourite kitchen gadget
I was cleaning my kitchen today and took a good look at all the gadgets I have in there. I don’t have many. For a start, I have a build-in oven that is not working. If I switch it on, the power in the entire house will trip. It has been years but Darling did not get it fix so I have been baking cakes using my rice cooker. I am not able to bake […]
Chicken Floss Loaf Bread
My breadmaking mojo is BACK! This time I experimented with the leftover chicken floss from Chinese New Year =.= Ingredients for 700g of Chicken Floss Loaf: 120ml water 150ml fresh milk 2 tbsp oil 1 tsp salt 3 tbsp sugar 2 cups bread flour 1 cup self-raising flour 1 tsp breadmaker yeast 1 tbsp butter Add the ingredients into the breadmaker in the following sequence: Water Milk Oil Salt Sugar Flour Yeast Butter Set the […]
Breadmaker Raisin Loaf Recipe
After the successful maiden attempt at making our own bread using my new breadmaker, I baked another loaf of basic bread and am happy that it turned out very well too. Last night, I tried baking raisin loaf using sweet bread recipe. Ingredients for 700g of Sweet Bread: 270ml water 2 tbsp oil 1 tsp salt 3 tbsp sugar 1 1/2 tbsp milk powder 3 cups flour 1 tsp breadmaker yeast Refer to the above […]
Easy basic bread recipe
Darling has this habit of forgetting to redeem the points from his credit cards before they expire. He has wasted several thousand points because of this. The other day, I reminded him to redeem something before his points expires again. He said he’ll look into it. What I did not know was he redeemed a breadmaker for me until one fine day a courier guy delivered it to me. I was over the moon when I […]
23 months old Ayden baking a cake
Hello :D We just got home from Malacca. Had a great time catching up with my parents. It’s late now and I’m sleepy so just sharing this video (you might have seen it on my Facebook) of Ayden baking. Enjoy :)
Moist Orange Cake Recipe
We’ll be baking moist orange cake today. I browsed the web and found a recipe on allrecipes.co.uk that I believe will work so I tested it out.  I tweaked it to suit my preference and this is the result: Super moist and delicious orange cake. This is my tweaked recipe: 110g butter 130g sugar (the original calls for 150g) Grated orange zest from ONE orange (the original says 2 tablespoons) 2 egg yolks 2 egg […]
Rice Cooker Cake: Moist Banana Cake
I love baking cakes using my rice cooker. I find that the cakes retain their moisture better compared to oven-baked ones. After all the successful cakes I baked using my rice cooker, I thought it will be a breeze baking a moist banana cake but I was wrong. It took me 4 attempts before I can finally publish this post as I don’t want to be one of those who published false recipes and ending […]
Rice Cooker Cake: Kurma Cake
The fasting season is near and that means having buah kurma (dates) in abundance everywhere. I love eating kurma. The moment I see shops starting to sell kurma, I’ll go grab several boxes home but Ethan doesn’t fancy kurma. In fact, he won’t even touch it. Well, that boy doesn’t even eat bananas but loves eating my banana cake so that got me wondered if he’ll eat kurma cake. Again, it took two bakings to […]
Rice Cooker Cakes: Moist Chocolate Cake
A friend said I am baking with a vengeance. Heh. It’s just that I am so excited to experiment with so many recipes out there to see which works and which doesn’t. This is my second attempt baking Moist Chocolate Cake. My first attempt failed miserably so I did not blog about it. It came out looking like a piece of belacan. It was so dense there wasn’t any space to breath in there. I […]
Rice Cooker Cakes: Marble Butter Cake
We are getting very comfortable baking using our rice cooker these days with the many successful cakes that we’ve baked. Today, I’m going to let my little helper do most of the work because it is that easy :) If little Ayden can do it, so can YOU! Watch this video: We’ll be baking this beautiful and equally delicious Marble Butter Cake. It is actually similar to the butter cake we baked previously but nicer looking […]
Rice Cooker Cakes : Butter Cake
I baked butter cake using my rice cooker last week. This is by far the most successful cake baked using my rice cooker. The texture of the cake is exactly like those oven baked cakes except the top layer is pale and not brown. The amount of ingredients used makes it just perfect when it comes to the thickness of the cake. This is also the first cake (baked using my rice cooker) that requires […]
Rice Cooker Cakes: Baked Sweet Corn Cake
My first rice cooker cake is steamed banana chocolate cake. Then I experimented with a different recipe making moist chocolate cake that turned out to be a total flop as it was too dense. Today, using the steamed banana chocolate cake recipe, I tried making sweet corn cake. Was super nervous to open the rice cooker when it was done as I was afraid it will be another failure but surprise, surprise, this is highly successful! […]
Simple Rice Cooker Cakes Recipes
Since I am so crazy on baking using my rice cooker, I think I better list down all my rice cooker cakes posts in ONE post for easier reference. I’ll update this post as and when I have a new successful bake to share :) Moist Chocolate Cake *Tutorial Video* Click for full recipe:Â https://submerryn.com/2015/05/rice-cooker-cakes-moist-chocolate-cake.html Cheesecake *Tutorial Video* Click for full recipe:Â https://submerryn.com/2017/04/baking-with-ayden-rice-cooker-cheesecake.html Marble Butter Cake *Tutorial Video* Click for full recipe:Â https://submerryn.com/2015/05/rice-cooker-cakes-marble-butter-cake.html Moist Orange Cake *Tutorial Video* […]
Rice Cooker Baked Bananas in Spring Roll Skin
Since I got my new rice cooker, I’ve been abusing it with baking rather than cooking rice. LoL. This is to compensate my many years of being unable to bake due to a faulty oven wiring at home :( Today, I tried baking bananas in spring roll skin aka popiah pisang. Only two ingredients needed – spring roll skin and banana. I sliced the banana in half and wrapped it with the spring roll skin. […]
Rice Cooker Cakes: Steamed Chocolate Banana Cake
Darling bought me a new toy. The rice cooker that I have been using to cook porridge for Ethan and now Ayden has finally died so he bought me a new one. It comes with a CAKE function so today I excitedly tried to bake a cake using it as my oven at home is rendered unusable for ages. For a mother of two, you’d think that I would have everything in my kitchen but […]
Project Cookie Fail
Ok. Today’s entry is a replicate of my Dayre entry. I’ve been thinking, I update my Dayre sometimes but nobody reads it there. It’s like a ghost town there in my page. So I’m going to post it here in my blog instead where at least I have one or two readers -.- But the best part about Dayre is their stickers. The stickers you see here are ‘stolen’ from Dayre. Do check it out here if […]
Cute Doggies Koko Krunch Cookies Recipe
We’ve got an itch to do some baking recently so today we baked this cutie pie KoKo Krunch doggies cookies :) We baked this because I have all the ingredients at home. All that is needed are plain flour, icing sugar, butter, chocolate chips, chocolate rice and of course Koko Krunch. I have all those at home with me at all times. Oh yeah, we need vanilla essence too. TUTORIAL VIDEO  Cute Doggies KoKo […]