How to Peel a Hard Boiled Egg
The boys and I love to eat eggs. I love half boiled eggs but they prefer hard boiled ones. The thing about hard boiled eggs is we need to peel the shell before we can eat them unlike half boiled eggs where I can just crack the top open to eat it. Luckily for me, I’ve never had trouble peeling the shell of hard boiled eggs though some of the people I know can’t freaking […]
Cook with Ayden: Simple Steamed Egg Recipe
The weather is pretty hot these days. It is better to not eat too much ‘heaty’ food so I got Ayden to steam egg for dinner. It is pretty easy to prepare this dish. Ingredients needed: Egg Chicken Stock Pepper Sesame Oil Spring Onion Fried Onion Water Method: 1) Break an egg into a bowl 2) Whisk the egg 3) Add chicken stock 4) Add water and mix 5) Sieve the egg 6) Add pepper […]
Cook with Ayden AND Ethan: Roti Telur Serunding Ayam
It has been over a month after Chinese New Year and we still have leftover chicken floss. How? Make our favourite French Toast with Chicken Floss of course. The boys always look forward for me to make them this treat after every Chinese New Year but I am not going to make it for them this year because they are going to make it themselves Ingredients : 1) Chicken Floss 2) Egg 3) Bread 4) […]
Gardening with Ayden: DIY Calcium Powder
Our costs of living is getting higher. It is advisable to grow our own food where possible. I grow spinach, tomatoes, brinjals, ladies fingers, red beans and even corns for our consumption. These are all grown in pots as I don’t have much land at home. To ensure good harvest especially when you are growing fruiting plants such as tomatoes, brinjals, ladies fingers and corns, you need to make sure the soil is fertile and […]
Can You Make An Egg Stand?
If you never got your eggs to stand before, today is a good day to try. Egg balancing has been connected with Lichun, the solar term beginning of Chinese spring (春) though I heard that it is possible to make egg stand any other day of the year. It started with successfully making an egg stand. And then there are 6. No glue were used in the making of these standing eggs but what is even more amazing is… We managed […]
Quick and Easy Egg Mayo Sandwich
Ethan’s class is now in the morning session. I have successfully been waking up early at 5am for 3 days to prepare his snack box but overslept today so he ended up bringing bread and cereals to school. He is happy though as he is able to share the cereals with his friends. Not only do I have to prepare his snack box, I also prepare tea break now that he is at home in the […]
Cheese Stuffed French Toast
The year end school holiday is here and that means I’ll be doing a whole lot of cooking as I have two constantly hungry boys at home. That also means I will be sharing many simple recipes in the many weeks to come :D The first meal I prepared for the boys is Cheese Stuffed French Toast for supper. It was after dinner when they got hungry again so I whipped this up in a […]
How to halve an egg
How do you cut a hard boiled egg in half? You can’t use a wire cutter unless you are planning to slice them into pieces. We can’t use knife as well as it will ruin the egg yolk. So I use what my Mom has been using – thread. I bet many of you do the same right? Quickly pull a thread through the egg and there you have it, the perfect hard boiled egg […]
Standing Egg
Did you manage to make an egg stand yesterday? It was my first time trying after seeing this phenomenon year after year and guess what? I did it! It was not STAND at FIRST TRY. I had to try several times before the egg eventually stay standing. Watch this video :D Â
French Toast with Chicken Floss filling
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. I always make sure Darling and Ethan eat before they leave home for work and class. It’s a challenge to keep the meals interesting but today, I think I just hit the jackpot! Darling and Ethan had this and they love it max! What’s that? That’s french toast with chicken floss filling :) It’s really simple to prepare this. Cut 2 pieces of bread into 8 […]
Cute bread cutter
I posted the above picture in my Craft FB Page the other day and several readers asked me where I got those cute cookie cutters. It is not a cookie cutter actually. It is an egg mold. I blogged about the cute eggs before. Read it here. I’m sure you have seen this egg mold before? If you don’t, it’s time for you to go to Daiso as I got mine from there. Two for […]
All about EGGS
I boiled some hard boiled eggs the other day and left it on the table to cool. Darling was way too helpful when he took the cooled eggs (with the shell still intact) and kept it back in the fridge! OMG! When I asked him which was the egg that I have boiled, he couldn’t remember! What was I suppose to do? Crack open all the eggs or boiled them all over again? But what […]