Art & Craft Idea: Paper Plate SUN
During these restricted movement times, we are going to spend all our time at home. I was cooking in the kitchen when I heard Ayden talking. I wondered who he was talking to as Ethan is upstairs. Went out to see him recording a tutorial all by himself 😱 Kids these days…. Anyway here it is! This Paper Plate SUN tutorial video is recorded entirely by Ayden. I need to hide my phone after this. […]
Hari Raya Art & Craft
A couple of weeks ago, on a Saturday when big brother Ethan was busy with taekwondo, we brought little Ayden to a Hari Raya open house by a property developer. Besides having a tour of their show houses, there were also a couple of complementary art and craft activities for the little ones. Little Ayden painted this batik kampung house. It is his first time to complete a batik painting entirely on his own as […]
Art & Craft: Sponge Owl
Ethan came home from school one day showing me the instruction for his school craft project. I took a look at it and asked him what is that supposed to be. He said that is an owl. We got into a heated argument as I refused to believe that is how an owl is supposed to look like but he insisted it is an owl. I don’t read chinese so I don’t know if Ethan […]
School Holiday Crafts: Angry Bird Bookmark
It’s the school holidays so let’s make something useful on everyday basis for the kids or even better when they get back to school. My boys love to read so we’ll be making an Angry Bird bookmark I learned from here. We’ll start with a red square paper. Fold it half as shown above. Fold both ends up to form a crisp line as shown above. Unfold the two ends. Fold the tip of the paper down, […]
Craft for Children: Footprint Popsicle
It has been a while since our last arts and crafts project. Today’s project is making paper popsicle out of the boy’s footprint. Ayden can’t do much here so Ethan assisted him when it comes to tracing and cutting. Materials needed are coloured paper, popsicle stick, glue, pencil and a pair of scissors. Big brother Ethan helped trace Ayden’s footprint. He also helped to cut it out. Ayden is able to apply glue onto the […]
Craft for Children: Sand Name Art
It is craft time again. I love crafting using natural materials. Today, the boys did sand art. Kids need to explore to learn. They need to FEEL how grainy the sand is and by feeling is not buying them the ‘TOUCH and FEEL book’ but letting them PLAY real sand. After they are done playing, it’s craft time. I got them to collect the sand in the big bottle for our craft activity. Using glue, I […]
Art & Craft: Torn Paper Apple Art for Kids
The weather is horrible these days. It is scorching hot in the mornings and early evenings and then it rains in the evenings causing the boys to be trapped at home. No fret though as that only means more time for art and craft! Today the boys had fun making torn paper art. The materials needed are: 1 piece red construction paper 1 piece white paper A pair of scissors A marker pen Glue *Edible […]
Stamping Activity for Toddlers
Big brother Ethan came home with his art homework last week. His task for that week was stamping using okra and leaves. Of course little brother Ayden won’t let the big brother work on his homework in peace unless he is given the opportunity to do the same too. So I got an extra okra for Ayden to have fun together with Ethan. I wrapped the okra with tissue as their hand gets itchy holding […]
Christmas Art for Kids: Handprint Christmas Tree
We have not been doing art or craft for a very long time now haven’t we? I finally took out the tempera paste today and get the boys to do a handprint Christmas tree. Ayden is much better in painting now. He can paint his own palm and stamp accordingly. I’ve forgotten how fun it is to spend time doing artwork with the kids. Let me think of more artwork to make with the boys […]
Halloween Footprint Ghost for Kids
Halloween is just a couple of days away. Though Ayden is still clueless about what Halloween is all about, it doesn’t stop us from making a simple ghost artwork for fun. I guided him to trace the outline of his foot on a piece of white paper. Happy ghosts come in twos. He said they are very cute. I cut the ghosts out for him to be used as bookmarks but he rather play with […]
DIY Photo Frame
We did a picture frame project last weekend in the Studio. It is for the kids to showcase their favourite family photo in conjunction with Parents’ month. DIY Foam Picture Frame Place a smaller rectangle paper in the middle of a larger rectangle craft foam. Draw the outline. Cut according to the line. Paste a sheet of plastic over the cut out hole. Paste a coloured construction paper on a piece of rectangle hard board […]
Crepe Paper Twisting
The kids did a simple crepe paper twisting project the other day in the Studio. The ‘big sister’ helped the little ones to twist those crepe papers. While the little one happily trying to shape those twisted crepe papers into SOMETHING! He is trying to make an apple there. With some help, he managed to make an apple. One of the kid did a couple of snakes and their nest filled with eggs! Nice :D […]
Giant Alphabet cubes
You’ve seen that extremely cool pose of my Dad during my cousin’s wedding last month in this post. This month, another cousin of mine got married. This time I get to be part of it. She wanted her wedding theme to be of babies so I made her Giant Alphabet Cubes to be used in the photo booth. I used lots of recycled material for it. I cut cardboard boxes into 3 pieces of two’s […]
Magic Painting
We did some magic painting the other day and the kids loved it! I prepared some ‘magic sheets’ before the kids arrived :D I drew some pictures on drawing blocks using white crayon hence the pictures are not visible to the children’s eyes. Can you see what I’m drawing? :) Jeng jeng jeng… to the kids, this is just a plain sheet of paper! Then comes the FUN part! They were told to simply paint […]
Colours in Mandarin
A week after attending Bao Bei, Ethan is starting to speak in Mandarin. Ethan and colours in Mandarin While we were playing with colours last Tuesday, he happily blurted this out… Sweet! He now has the confidence to speak in Mandarin to ME but not to his teachers yet. Why? Because he knows his Mandarin is superior to me so he can show off!! Most of the time I don’t know what he says until […]