Cute bread cutter
I posted the above picture in my Craft FB Page the other day and several readers asked me where I got those cute cookie cutters. It is not a cookie cutter actually. It is an egg mold. I blogged about the cute eggs before. Read it here.
I’m sure you have seen this egg mold before? If you don’t, it’s time for you to go to Daiso as I got mine from there. Two for RM5 only.
Not many people are aware that the bottom part can actually be used to cut bread.
I used 2 slices of bread with a slice of cheese in between. Just press the egg mold down and out come cute little sandwiches.
Ethan loves this lots and proudly shows them to his teachers and friends in school :D
This is cute.. I don't aware that this cutter can turn into a bread cutter as well
Cute.. I have two too.. but never made use of it… :)
hehe, nice!! i like that, so cute, maybe i shall drop by Daiso to get a pair.. but what did you do with the remains of the bread?? just throw away?? oh, so wasteful~~
Mommy n Daddy have to eat what is left lor..
omg so adorable! and the left over can be used to make yummy bread pudding! don't waste right? ^^
Oohh..i think i ve the car shape one. One day must use to cut the bread.
Wah.. u also a Daiso lover!
Why I cannot find egg moulds like this in Daiso geh? Just bought one pack of egg mould from a supermarket here in Jkt…so mahal. Thanks for the tips. I malas to mould lah, everyday is plain looking sandwich with cheese for Gwen to bring to school everyday.
Coll & cute great way to 'encourage' the kids to eat. Ya like [SK] said what to do with those 'extras'? Feed the birds & fishes? tQ.
Oops its Cool…slip of the finger no fault of the mind …~;).
Cute bread! But what did you do with the remainder of the bread that has been cut??
I ate them! :D Once jadi parents like dat one.. we have to eat all the ugly ugly things :P
Very innovative idea. Cute bread, sure all kids love it.
same question with Mei Yee, how about the remainder?
Choi Yen,
We eat lah. We dont need our bread to be cute mah..
This is cute, sure would boost up children's intake of bread :D
Let me guess, the remaining bread is now sitting comfortably in Shaggy's stomach :p
Reduce wastage, right?
Yeah Yvonne,
All in Shaggy's tummy :D
I have these too but in different patterns, car and fish, I think but I hardly use them since my boy doesn't fancy cutie thingy. :(
WOW! This is great tips. Must get one. My daughter doesn't like to eat bread. With cute little sandwiches, hopefully she'll like it =)
That is totally cute.. I visited daiso few times but always went out from the shop empty handed.. Its just too many and i dont knw what to buy… Nxt visit, i knw what to hunt already hihihi…
Believe it or not. I haven't been to Daiso. Haha. They're really cute and I think I must make a trip to Daiso one day lar.