Of guns and lollipops
ParenThots interviewed me not too long ago regarding the topic of toy guns. They wanted to know if I’m in favour or against the idea of letting my child play with toy guns.
Well, in general I am against Ethan playing with toy guns. I don’t buy him toy guns just like how I don’t buy him lollipops! What good are there in both of them you tell me? BUT I do know that no matter what, Ethan will eventually be exposed to both toy guns and lollipops when he starts school in the near future. Yeah, yeah, “Let him play with toy guns! He’s a BOY for goodness sake!” I hear you say. Sooner or later he will. In this case, I prefer it to be LATER.
A snippet of the article in ParenThots.
I taught in preschool before I had Ethan. The kids there are horrifying! It puts me off having my own kids for a while! I couldn’t imagine having my own little monsters like them! They are simply horrible! They are nothing at all CUTE! I went to school every morning like as if I was about to enter a war zone!
I promised myself if I EVER have a child of my own, I will NEVER let my baby be like them. And then alas, I got pregnant. I dealt with those monsters right till the day I delivered Ethan. I still keep my promise until today. Ethan still has all his baby teeth while I remembered the monsters in the preschool had lost their teeth from as young as FOUR years old!
So what if Ethan is deprived of lollipops and toy guns? He doesn’t know what he’s missing yet anyway. I’m not a tiger mother. I’ll let him have a taste of them when he starts school.
The main question here should be, when WILL he start school? I still have no answer to THAT!
Tags: personal
remember what Sheila said? let them have it, but with the 'condition' we explain to them what is it all about… :D
I'm a mom, too and I will definitely consider your advice and thoughts on this and I also wanted to add and remind everyone that be careful also on giving any kind of plastic toys to your kids because I have read a news headline saying – Think about it, China is full of fake products, even egg they could fake it!
whoa, the preschool kids you taught last time sounds like monsters! Glad your sweet ethan isn't anything like them
i always tot kids are angel, from the moment my mum gave birth to my youngest baby brother who is 15 yrs younger than me…… until i had my boys!!!!!!!horrifying parenthood for me, really…
Start school immediately. Nolar…just kidding…maybe 6?
Why don't you let him play toy gun? I have lots of guns, blades…all those weapon-toys when I was young. Look at me right now. Anything wrong? :p
I used to own several toy guns including one that came with a belt with 'bullets'. Wahaha. What were my parents thinking?!