Quick and Easy Chicken Rice
Ethan has been talking so much about Jurassic World as most of his friends in school have watched it in the cinema. With his exams all done and over with, we decided to bring him for a movie treat last weekend.
My boys and I before the movie start. Am so glad that Ayden sat through the entire movie this time. During our last movie outing, that boy ran out halfway through making me miss out on the ending of the show.
Anyway, we went grocery shopping after the movie and by the time we wanted to have dinner, it was already close to breaking of fast so most if not all of the eateries are packed. I decided to quickly go home and prepare a quick dinner while the kids take their shower.
I brown some crushed garlic and ginger in hot oil and boil them together with the white rice. I added raisins too because the kids love it.
I rubbed salt on the chicken and placed them onto the steaming tray and cook together with the rice.
Half way through I added some corns.
While waiting for the rice and chicken to cook, I fry some french beans. By the time Darling is done bathing the boys, dinner is also ready.
Our quick and healthy dinner. I’m surprised how tasty the chicken and rice are. I guess the chicken retains its flavour while the ‘juice’ that dripped out of the chicken makes the rice tastier being cooked this way. Can lah, next time can cook this way again :D
You are so clever, Merryn. I see you always can think of something out of box when cooking or baking for the family. So creative and innovative eh! I am sucks in this.
We learn from each other thanks to all the sharing that has been going around in blogs and other social medias :D
Bravo. Easy n yummy
Cepat dimasak, sedap dimakan :P
What a super delicious dinner! I like your home-cooked, Merryn.
Have not catch on Jurassic World the movie. The last time I watched Avenger, I missed most of the part as Jamie was restless and make so much noise and I have to drive back to put him to sleep. Lol. At least the others enjoyed their movie.
I was ready to run after Ayden this time but surprisingly he sat through it all. We’ll watch AntMan tomorrow and crossing my fingers he’ll sit through again :)
Yummy n healthy food
OK lah. Most importantly it takes only half an hour :D
This is like multicooking! Your husband must love you to bits for being able to whip up a fast and tasty dinner.
He wanted to tapao actually but I can see everyone is already tired and hungry so I told him to get the boys cleaned up and by the time they are done, dinner is served. They are so happy :)
Nice one! How many cups of rice did you cook? Just curious.
2 cups Sandy. More than enough for my family of 4
I looking at your rice cooker pot. You cook barely 1 cup of rice for 4 persons? Cukup meh??
2 cups lah. More than enough for my family :D
I’ll place the chicken on top of the rice and cook together. I will also add in chicken stock or butter into the rice for a more aromatic finish :P
Ahh.. maybe I’ll do that way next round. Thank you for your suggestion Choi Yen :)