Eve of CNY eve
Our Chinese New Year celebration this year is a little different as my parents are in KL instead of us going back to Malacca. We gathered at my eldest sister’s house on the eve of CNY eve for a feast before going back to my in-laws the next day.
Father and son ready to say goodbye to Santa and welcome the God of Prosperity instead :D
My mother cooked up a storm for us. Some of her Nyonya dishes are:
Assam Pedas. I’ve been craving for this so badly!
Sek Bak. Ethan’s favourite as I don’t cook pork at home and this is one of the rare opportunity he gets to eat this.
Cili garam. Everybody’s favourite.
Acar timun and cili. MY favourite! My goodness, I dunno how much I ate that night. I just can’t get enough of the sourish and appetising pickled cucumber. Drool!
Sengkuang and salad. We love this a lot too.
My mom also fried chicken for us all.
My mom’s famous fried chicken.
Ethan and Grandpa <3
See what my parents gave me!
We played our first kopek that night. Our first for 2013.
It was a great night where the entire family gets together and just have fun.
I know the Water Snake will be a great year for us all! :)
wah… the food looks so good! Happy Chinese New year!
Wow! Drooling at the asam pedas! How come you don’t cook pork?
Gambled the night away? So how much you won? : D
You are blessed to have a mom who can cook so well. Merryn, last picture I spotted you look sexy and yummy. lol!
Do you mind to share your mom’s recipe of Acar timun and cili? It is also one of my favourite dish of my late mom, unfortunately, she has left. As much as I missed her, I do really wish to trace back the same taste. I’ve seen my mom preparing it since small but do not remember in great details. It was of enormous efforts to prepare it but I know it is worth the efforts. Thanks in advance if you manage to get the recipe for me!