Ferrari Model LEGO® Collection
Someone came home from class extremely happy yesterday because the Daddy bought him this:
Ferrari 458 Italia LEGO collection
Cut open the plastic and that is what we got.
Read through the manual.
And arrange the LEGO pieces accordingly.
Then start fixing. This is tougher than it looks like as Ethan is so used to playing Mega Bloks these Lego pieces seems too tiny!
After all the hard work and determination, the LEGO Ferrari 458 Italia is DONE and ready to race!
So happy he!
This is a pull back and race car. The downside of it being a pullback and race is that once it hits the wall, the LEGO pieces will break apart and some went missing. We don’t usually get to find them back until that unfortunate moment when we accidentally stepped on it barefooted! *grumble grumble*
The Daddy bought this LEGO Ferrari for RM10.90 only. Guess where we got it from? Hehe…
Shell petrol station.. thinking wan but one also..
beli kat mana? murah dapat?
Fazrol, beli kat Shell..
shell mana yg dapat murah tue?
Mana ada murah? ini pump VPower baru dapat harga ni.. kalu pump biasa RM12.90 la jawab nyer.. :D
oh it’s Lego… I thought it comes in one piece…
We are collecting this too. Chloe loves cars and Lego ;) It’s RM10.90 if you pump VPower. We paid RM12.90 for this cos we just pumped the normal ron95…
Oh, RM12.90 for the normal ron95…Will look out for this when I go pump petrol :)
Ooooo…so smart! Come, come to Sibu and put together my BBQ set for me. I’m hopeless at this – sure…pasang wrongly or parts go missing! Hehehehehehe!!!!!
U malas read manuals wan kan? Same macam William…
Back then, Lego was about building something out of your own imagination and creativity. Now… it’s like building a Tamiya car with instructions provided. Carlsberg Where’s the Party recap
hey Ethan is wearing Winnie Pooh shirt! That, I am interested… hahaha..my girl’s favourite cartoon till today!
Nice! I thought it’s RM12.90 per car?
ok, just saw chloe mummy’s comment :-)
Is it because shell’s business is dwindling? LOL :D
Honestly I am tempted to get a few myself. They look great! :D
When mouse over the pixz the answer ‘Shell’ appeared hehe. Wah now the ferrari can fei *fly* & lari kuat kuat haha.
Bananaz why you so crever wan??! >_<
Shell lor. But since I heard you mentioned that it breaks apart once it hits the wall, I think I changed my mind in buying. Better not let Joseph sees it at the petrol station. Hehe.
Lego is so popular now because of Legoland!!!
HAHAHA have you been there with Ethan yet?
if my boys dapat, mesti shiok!
it’s good to get Ethan those lego set. It will get his mind thinking hard. I bought a lot of lego for my boy too.
We hv bot the 3 available cars edi. Too nice to resist. :p My boy likes to build then dismantle, then build n dismantle again. So really worth it kan? hahaha Now waiting for the next batch.
Btw, I’m wondering y my comment always appear as a reply to someone else’s comment. *scratch head*
Eii… the comments r on their own after I refresh the page. *scratch head samo* So pls ignore my question. :D
I bought 2 :)