Feeding elephants and Celcom’s wildlife adoption project
It was Wednesday afternoon and we were in Zoo Negara. How random can that be right? About 45 mins away from home, we made our way there after Ethan’s Mandarin class for Celcom First launch.
Celcom Axiata Berhad launches the much awaited Celcom First Voice plans, a range of superior voice plans that will let Celcom customers step up to bold, more innovative and advantageous services for an optimum customer experience.
At today’s launch, Celcom First also announced a wildlife adoption project by adopting Teriang, a 32-year-old Asian elephant that symbolically represents the new, exciting direction of Celcom First. This initiative is also to encourage awareness on wildlife conservation among its customers, RM0.10 from new customers of Celcom First’s voice plan will be contributed to a fund for Teriang‟s upkeep.
Dato’ Sri Shazalli Ramly, Chief Executive Officer of Celcom Axiata Berhad feeding Teriang.
“In conjunction with the launch, we are delighted to introduce to you our new adopted family member – Teriang the elephant – which in line with Celcom First’s creative direction represents power, loyalty, and a desire to always reach for the top. Teriang is a great portrayal of Celcom First and its bold advantages that makes it a step up from the rest. ” Dato’ Sri Shazalli commented.
Ethan got very excited riding the tram that will lead us to this particular place. A place that made us take that 45 mins drive from home just to be here today.
Yes, the elephants! Though we have been to this Zoo countless times, we have NEVER fed the elephants. Maybe Ethan was younger then and we were afraid to let him try. This time around, he wanted to try it..
I kept on reminding Ethan to LET GO of the sugarcane once the elephant grab hold of it!
I’m relieved that they have this boundary so that Ethan and the elephant are quite a distance away. I just can’t take it if Ethan is just next to the elephants like some other places, you know, where you can actually pat the elephants? I don’t think I want that. I’m always afraid of being trampled by those big creatures. Paranoid? Maybe..
If we humans have our good and bad days, what more those animals, right? It’s safer to keep our distance..
So he took a sugarcane..
But Teriang the elephant here is so friendly. It dances in front of us, swaying from side to side, waving its trunk in such a gentle manner it made us wanna pat him!
Ethan is still very calm and brave. Holding the sugarcane up while the trunk is coming nearer towards him. I am already afraid by then.. but Ethan kept holding and not moving!
Woosh! Teriang got the sugarcane! Phew!
You don’t know how relieved I was. My legs turned jelly as I released all my built-up fear! I was really afraid but did not show it in front of Ethan as I know he wanted to feed those elephants badly! He enjoyed it so much that he fed Teriang again.
And then they watched Teriang playing with water :)
Me? Nah.. I did not go near those elephants. I just can’t put myself to stand there and feed them. SCARED max!!
Oooooo….big long trunk!!! @.@!!!! Muahahahahaha!!!!
>_< Don't even wanna ask what is in ur mind :P
your boy is so da cute…elephants only…submerryn can handle it! ;)
Kenot!!! Me very scared!
You scared? Snake not scared lar.. :P
OMG! Dancing elephant?
Afro circus…. afro circus hahaha
LoL! Reminds us of Madagascar kan? :D
u bring ur own sugarcane? I know this is prohibited wor…btw, elephant is so cute, why u scare? One of my fav animal :)
No lah. You can buy sugarcane there. I like elephants. I just don’t wanna go near them. Takut!!
Eh can bring food for the animals? When I was young, i feed elephants with leaves…
No. You can buy sugarcanes there :)
the elephant trunk like strain to get food…
Not really.. mebe the photo made it look that way :D
that’s cool! LOL
Yeah.. awesome!
Luckily the pictures turned out clear! No jittery hands…. hahaaa…
Claire at times like this, a tripod really helps!
He is happy with it!
Who? Teriang? hehe… :P
lol i wonder if Ethan will read ur blog and find out that his mum is scared actually! hahaha
Ish… I’ll tell him to look at the pictures will do :P
I thought we can’t feed the elephants takut the elephants jatuh inside the pit. Gwen and I hugged the elephant’s trunk and took pic in Taman Safari Indonesia…syiok lah..the elephant was very tame.
@_@ Hugged the elephant’s trunk lagi! Teriang here and his friends very clever wan… they won’t fall into the pit.
Oooo……i dun dare either. Nanti baham my hand.
Wei… we are talking about elephants here lah.. not harimau! Hehe..
anak berani …mak penakut..takut kena sembur air liur gajah ker merryn?
Kak Ina, Merryn seram lah… besar sangat si Teriang nih!
I only dare to touch the elephant if the trainer was there. We tried that in Chiangmai, Thailand. I like you hiding your fear and letting Ethan experience it, I also Ethan’s courage.
Oooooo,,, I’m proud to say I dare touch a snake but not elephants lah. Imagine their weight!
I never know they allow feeding! :O Eeeeeeee I wanna visit Zoo Negara too!
Come.. come! Mari kita pergi ke zoo.. bergembira di situ :D
I don’t know how many times I’ve told my kids I would bring them there. LOL. Ok, one day must go. You scared of elephants but not snake? Terbalik la we both. I’m terrified of snakes.
I too love to feed animals,its just an awesome experience one can have.Thanks for sharing this post.