Ethan is down.. So is Daddy… Mummy.. is still standing!
After a week of trying to fight off the flu bug, Ethan is finally DOWN with the flu, cough and fever today :( Darling is down too.. Me, I’m still fighting… *Back off you BUGS!* I hope I can remain standing for my two heroes…
In the meantime, if you think I’ll let him recuperate and spend his time doing this…
you are wrong! I’m very BAD you see. I so geram when I see that he can handle that gadget better than I do! So I’m NOT going to let him play with it too much UNTIL I learn to MASTER it first! Kenot lose face in front of him~lah! Hahaha… Very EGO right me?
So for the time being, this is what I get him to do…
Coincidentally, Julie gave him this Little Readers Series “When I Get Sick” so he is happily reading that book and doing what the boy in the book is doing! *including eating pudding* :D
Ethan enjoying – Little Calf – a Push-Pull-Turn and Lift Book given by Yugene :) Thank you Yugene.
And to my two heroes, get well soon because… I need to sleep too :P Hugs..
wishing them speedy recovery.
Hope both of them get well soon. War…play iPhone 4 huh? :p
get well soon ethan…
Get well soon Ethan and William.. And mummy, you got to stand straight, hehe
I hate flu!!!
Wah!! Let Ethan play iPhone4! I won't let anyone touch my iPhone especially children whether they are cute or not!!
Haha! Ethan can handle the iPhone better than you? LOL!! You should be proud of him!
Haha! Ethan so cute in the video! What a nice book! "When I Get Sick" so apt for Ethan : )
Get well soon to Ethan and William!! : )
Meantime, you better strengthen your immune system if not you will not be standing anymore! : )
Hope that both will have a speedy recovery and you will be fine …do take care …:)
Poor things! Take care all…and get well soon! God bless!
looking forward to the day when Ethan teaches you how to use the Iphone 4..LOLwahh…books for kids now so canggih already…get well soon to both william and ethan… =)
auwww poor Ethan and William. hope u wont get sick k! ;) haha Ethan genius! (than u! :p)
LOL @Foong –> I won't let anyone touch my iPhone especially children whether they are cute or not!! <– so jahat! mwahahaha
Get well soon to both ur HEROES! ;)
Poor boy, a speedy recovery to both your heroes!have a pleasant day merryn!
Get well soon.. family of three.. speedy recovery!
Flu Bugs are the pits. I pray you all feel better soon :-)~Ron
Ethan beats me to iPhone. I haven't got one, let alone knowing how to use it!
I hear ethan said sheep dog?? @@ get me right?? sheep dog is??
Hope both of them have a speedy recovery…takecare.very nice story books….
ah, get well soon boys (^^)
June – LOL! Sheep dog! You heard him right. Sheep dog is the dog that takes care of the sheep. The dog will round up the sheep back into their pen, you know, the dog that is always with the 'Gembala kambing' boy…. :DSee.. you learn a new word today.. lol.. haha :D
Get well soon! Hope you eventually will win the fight with the bugs! Good activities to occupy Ethan's time.
Get well soon Ethan and Daddy. Mummy hope you are doing ok. Take care. Ethan is very pandai lah. :)
wish them speedy recovery.
Oh…before this I was down with the same symptoms and have just recovered but now it's your family's turn pulak. T___T"I wish all of you get well soon and be their happy, fun self again soon~ Love ya~ *Huggies* :)
god bless himhope that he'll get bettertake a good care of that precious biy
you know what, now kids more terror than us. My two boys know how to play their daddy iphone where i don't know how to handle it!, and they do remember what is the password!!!
Ethan is okay with sticking the fever patch on his forehead?He is so guai lah…Sarah was so phobia with it..she told me "I dont wan sticky sticky.." And now she also dislike handiplast.