Ayden’s Science Presentation Video
After a month of staying home and about 2 weeks learning from home, the boys are getting comfortable with online learning. Big brother Ethan has to wake up early on certain days for online lessons but the rest of us sleep in till noon 😅 Lil’ Ayden has more homework and video assignments to do compared to Ethan. Today I’m sharing one of his assignment video. He learns Science in Mandarin as he is in […]
Homeschooling Activity : Science Experiment – How to make a snake jump
Today’s activity is more suitable for younger children than toddlers. We are going to learn about static electricity and how it can make a paper snake jump! First, we’ll need to draw a snake on a piece of paper. Next, cut the snake out. Before you know it, it will jump and bite you! Watch this video to see how it actually happens: Check out also our other Science experiment:
Touch Me Not
When I was just a little kid, I remember being highly fascinated by the reaction of this unique plant called Mimosa pudica or Touch Me Not upon contact. I love looking for it and touching it to see the leaves closing and waited patiently for them to open up again only to touch them again to see them close. I can do this the entire day without getting bored. We go to the playground almost every […]
Homeschooling the Toddler: Science Experiment – Float or Sink?
Just like big brother Ethan during his preschool years, I am homeschooling Ayden too. Besides doing art & craft and learning music, Ayden loves Science. Today’s activity is discovering if certain objects FLOAT or SINK. I get Ayden to pick stuffs around the house and placed it in a container for the experiment. Not known to him, I added one extra stuff in there for the surprise element later. We talked about each items and […]