Peek-a-boo Haze
How many of you realised Monday’s strange phenomenon? Yes we all know the dreaded HAZE is back but on Monday, it was playing peek-a-boo with us wasn’t it? Throughout the day it came and go as it wishes. Come evening I got so frustrated as I was getting ready for my daily walk in the park but this blardy HAZE kept wanting to play with me. When I opened the door to check, the air […]
What to do during the haze
I think we’ve never experienced haze as terrible as we did the past few days. With majority of schools closed due to the haze, we still send Ethan to kindy as usual the past two days as his school is a corner lot house with full air-conditioned and is operating as usual minus the outdoor activities. Today, Ethan was supposed to go for his BaoBei class too in the evening but he told us that […]