Not So Picky Eater
One thing about Ethan is it’s very easy to feed him. Just get him chicken rice or noodles and he’s good. He loves spaghetti bolognese and will order that most of the time when we dined out. It’s either that or noodle soup lah. It’s easy to feed him BUT he only eats the same old thing every time. My spaghetti boy.. And now there are TWO! Ayden is following his big bro’s footsteps by […]
Your Child Is Your Mirror
Not too long ago Ethan came home from school telling us that a classmate of his was sent to the Discipline Teacher for a misconduct in class. I asked him what did that classmate of his do and he told me that he shoved another classmate against the wall, strangled him, put his fingers in that boy’s mouth and tried to tear it open for taking his eraser. The attacker basically had an outburst; shouting and getting violent over […]