Important Factors To Take Note Before Buying School Shoes
It’s back-to-school and as usual, my boys prefer Pallas Jazz school shoes for the best fit and comfort. Start the new academic year right with your best foot forward. Poorly-fitted shoes can actually hinder a child’s normal growth and comfort. It is recommended to get lightweight and flexible shoes that ensures better growing feet. Both Ethan and Ayden’s shoes come with Arch Support. This is the most important factor as Ethan has flat foot. School […]
What to Look for When Buying School Shoes
It has been a challenging 2021. While the boys are getting used to studying online, I also noticed that they are beginning to get bored interacting through screens. Humans in general need social interactions. Being reduced to only interacting virtually may have affected their mental health where lack of personal interaction is a concern. At such, both my boys welcome recommencing of physical school with joy. While I still have mixed feelings sending them back […]
5 Tips For Buying School Uniforms This “BACK TO SCHOOL” Season
It is that time of the year again to start getting everything ready for the next academic year. It is wise to spend wisely as there will be a lot of stuffs to purchase. One of the first and most important things that comes to mind is school uniform. When we consider that school children spend at least 6 hours a day wearing their uniforms in our hot and humid weather, we know that this […]