CNY mall decoration: 1 Utama
Have you seen 1 Utama’s Chinese New Year decor this year? I took a peek down and saw these…
God of Prosperity and friends? I am only familiar with Cai Shen (财神) but not his friends but it’s okay because this decor is so much better than their shocking cardboard Christmas decor last year. I was even afraid to take a look at their CNY decor initially for fear that it might be worse than their Christmas’ decor but thank goodness it isn’t.
There are 5 gigantic deity (dunno if we can call them deity?) that is strategically placed as to not take up too much space. I actually appreciate that the decor is nice and simple with plenty of open space hence we can still walk about easily without bumping into each other.
See? So much walking space. Parents with kids can breathe easy now.
This one lah our best friend, Mr Cai Shen, God of Fortune. If there is God of Health will be even a better friend :D
I take with this one because it’s a lady lah though I don’t know if it symbolises anything. Anybody cares to enlighten me?
Ethan popping his head in the cutout board.
Ayden wanna pop too :P
The end. Not too bad. Went with low expectations but was not disappointed. Great job with the CNY decor this year, 1U :)
Haha. I remember the Xmas cardboard decor. Yes. At least this is better. Not so impressive but it is in that festive mood.
Come, come, Chai Sern!!! Send the Gods of Prosperity to Sibu. I sure need a windfall. LOL!!!
Well, I didn’t want to expect much after seeing the recent Christmas deco, so this is considered a surprise they still do something that doesn’t disappoint me, although, to be honest, they can do much better.
The theme is “Bloom of Opulence”, so you have a Cai Shen Ye giving great abundance of wealth. The four female characters are not his friends, rather, they symbolizes the Four Seasons, probably it means the Cai Shen Ye giving great abundance of wealth all year long.
The one in green costume represents Spring, the red one Summer. The pale blue one holding orange cloth represents Autumn while the other blue one (in your picture above) represents Winter, you can see her costume has some wool on her arms.
I went there with a very low expectation. Actually I did not know what to expect. Now that you’ve explained it, I like it better. I like that concept. Nice :D
Oh btw, just to add, you mentioned plenty of open space, well, if you have noticed all these years, CNY deco will always have plenty of open space, which is rather long, compared to Christmas & Hari Raya deco. And there is a reason for that – the space is needed for setting up the high poles for Acrobatic Lion Dance performance! Otherwise, the space could have been used for another 2 or 3 booths.
Oh! Wow! Everything makes sense now.
I remember one year for Christmas they had this English Village theme. Though that was nice, it was horrible! I can barely fit a stroller in. I gave up trying to walk around there that time.
wow..the decors looks very grand and extravagant ! Probably 1 utama has the space !
Ayden and Ethan are so cute as Cai Shen. Have you eaten the cheese cake at 1 utama yet?
The decorations is so nice and unique!!
OK, at least this looks better than the 2D Christmas disaster. But I’m still not impressed.