I Don’t Want To Touch A Dog
I don’t want to touch a dog. I don’t know why people are dying to touch or pat them but you won’t see me doing it. I won’t touch a dog. I’m not going to lie or sugar coat it and I’m telling you as it is, I don’t like dogs and I don’t see anything wrong with that. There’s only one thing I dislike more than dogs and that is anyone who tells me that they don’t like a person who doesn’t like dogs ‘coz that is basically telling me straight in my face that they don’t like me, right? But then come to think about it, there’s one more thing that I hate more than the person who told me that they don’t like people who don’t like dogs and that is a person who PRETENDS to like dogs! I hate pretenders. Period.
I have nothing against dogs. I don’t throw stones at them or harm them when I see them but I just don’t like them. That is because when I was younger, I was bitten by a dog. I was cycling in a rubber estate when this dog appeared out of no where and started barking like crazy. I sped up trying to escape but that dog bit me on my shin. I think it must have been hallucinating and saw my shin as a piece of fried chicken or something and no shy-shy planted a big bite on me while still barking like a maniac. No manners that dog! The mother never teach it not to bark and chew at the same time >_<
I almost fell off my bicycle but carried on pedalling for dear life. I screamed on top of my lungs and managed to kick that fella off me. I think my heart fell off somewhere during the commotion because though I was petrified, I couldn’t feel my heartbeat as I made my way home. Drenched with cold sweat, I was relieved my parents were no where in sight as I dashed into the house, into my room to hide and sob. I fell flat on the floor, my legs turned jello as I tried to make sense of what just happened.
I checked my shin and saw blood trickling down but thank goodness the flash was still intact. No I did not tell my parents. I was in Primary 5 and cycled way beyond the permitted area. I was afraid to inform my parents because I was not supposed to be cycling in that rubber estate in the first place. I cleaned up my wound and wore long pants to cover it. Never in my mind did it occur to me that I might get infected or even worse, get rabies! I did not know then that dog bites can cause infections. I was lucky in a way as my wound did not get infected and healed nicely over a period of time.
I stayed away from dogs eversince. I’ve never patted a dog and will never do so. I’m not going to pretend and gush like a little girl when a cute dog comes wagging its tail in front of me.
Having said all that, though I don’t like dogs, I will never stop my kids from liking them. It is their life, their choice. If they grow up to like dogs, so be it. If they want to keep a dog as a pet, I’ll let them (after they move into their own home that is :P).
But there’s one thing I love and that is fish. I love fish and it is my dream to have a huge aquarium as my wall…
That’s great that you’ve managed to deal with your own fears and not impose them on your children, especially after your own trauma. It’s also great that you know who you are and can discern the difference between what is fake and what is genuine. I am a cat person… But i had a dog once. I am glad that the recent effort by the young man who lead the I want to touch a dog campaign has been so well received by netizens, and citizens. It’s a great way to bring people together and create understanding at a time when the nation needs it the most, and that deserves a big applause. He created a positive vibe and I am sure, that this very lovely gesture will continue to have a ripple effect.
Aiyo, what an experience you have. I have nothing against dogs too ;)
I think dog is a very ‘handy’ animal, esp those police dogs.
Same here. I was chased for a few streets by a dog when I was 5. Never liked dogs ever since. I used to be afraid of them, now I tolerate them.
I don’t understand when some people stay ALL the dogs are harmless, you just need to stand your ground if they start to wanna chase after you. Yeah right. There are some stray dogs who will still bark and come and leap on you. It is amazing to me that some parents don’t allow their kids to learn how to cross the road with traffic lights, but allow their kids to deal with dogs alone.
Not crazy about dogs too.
My missus was bitten by our neighbour’s doberman once when she took my little girl for a walk. She quickly picked up my girl to protect her from the dog when it charged and it bit her in the thigh!!! The neighbours did not even bother to come out to do anything!
My cousin in KK had a rottweiler – everytime I visited him, he said it was ok, wouldn’t bite people one. One fine day, the Indon maid wanted to throw away a broken chair…and it attacked her – probably thought she was stealing it…and my cousin went to help and it attacked him…and would not let go…till the neighbours came and used a cangkul and killed it!!!! My cousin had to go for plastic surgery and still has the scars to show.
Religion aside, animals are animals. No matter how smart, the animal instinct is always there. Can’t be too careful with that.
I also got bitten by a dog before. My mom wanted me to send over something to my neighbour but I always fear that particular dog. I resisted so badly but they convinced me to go…I don’t understand why it must be me. At the end my instinct was right. The dog really bites. I still love to see pups and dogs especially at the park but certainly would not go near it. Big E loves dog and her dad will get her one when she can take care of it…Oh well…I am no longer at the house, so is fine.
I love dogs but I dont really pat them. If I do, I will need to watch my hands immediately. And I also have the tendency to prevent my kids from touching them as well. Lol. I have posted a dog post yesterday.
I was chased by dogs before but luckily not bitten by them. I am neutral on dogs, but I can’t stand dogs that keep licking my feet or those that keep barking for no apparent reason. There’s this chihuahua which I’m extremely irritated with. I asked the owner to lock it up in the dog’s cage when I visit him hahaha! Really bad of me I know, but I just want to kick it! So to prevent that, I better had it locked up. LOL!
I so can understand how you felt, cause I was bitten by a dog when I’m young too!! On my butt n my wrist. I was soooo afraid of dogs since, untill I moved into a home stay during uni where the family have two ‘silly’ dogs.
I’m glad that at least now I don’t have the fear I used to have in the past, cause there are many ppl with dogs here in aust! =)
Oh i don’t like to touch dogs… would like to hug one instead!! But i don’t hate those who dislike dogs, just like i dislike cats, i don’t want others to hate me because of that… nothing’s wrong, just preference. I can’t say like oh you prefer beef and but not mutton, then i hate you. Only terrorists or extremists would say that!
Good that you are open minded over this and won’t prevent your children from touching dogs.
Felt sorry about your dog biting experience & I experienced it too but not as bad as yours. You know what, I don’t like dogs either not because of my experience but I found them “stinky” :P
But my hubby and Sam love dog =.=”