A quick trip to KL Tower
Ironically, after ranting on my previous blog post regarding people always commenting that Ayden is skinny, I caught a chubby picture of Ayden today.
There! Doesn’t this make you feel like biting his cheeks? :D
I had a blogging event to attend too in Menara KL today hence Ayden being all dressed up. I’ve not been to Menara KL for ages! The last I came here was with Darling decades ago during our courting days. We wanted to dine in the rotating restaurant up in KL Tower back then but it was the fasting season so the restaurant was closed. We never go back until today. Almost can’t remember where it was and how to access the place! Truly failed as a Malaysian :P
Ayden on the other hand had fun trying to push all the benches at 1Malaysia Cultural Village here at KL Tower. No, the benches did not budge a single bit. They are all secured firmly onto the ground.Â
He ended up playing with rain instead when it started to pour.Â
Ayden getting acquainted with the rest of the kids ^_^
We did not get to explore KL Tower much this time as we spent most of our time in the Gallery Hall where the event was taking place. Before I left I noticed there is a petting zoo as well as an aquarium? Sounds interesting. I never know there is such a thing here in KL Tower. Maybe I’ll make another trip here with the kids and visit the petting zoo. ^_^
If you are wondering why no pictures of Ethan, that is because he was in school.
ahh taksin is here! :P
Ish! Hahahahhahaha…
can i shake hand with him? :D
Shake lah :P
Hahaha…Ayden is so cute! I want to pinch him leh ….
Ooooo….Ayden’s so cute, so lovable. Looks so smart in that outfit. Can audition for commercials, dy!
KL Tower? Never been…blush…blush! Nobody bring mah!!! I’ve got good excuse. Hehehehehe!!!!
Uncle SK went to KL Tower many any years ago when it was just completed, about 16 years ago maybe.. errrr, cannot compare because Mommy Merryn didn’t show any photo.. okay, there is now a cultural village, and the restaurant is still there??
Ayden is like a young gentleman with his smart clothes. Yes, I was wondering why there was no Ethan in the photo. You read my mind. :D