The one behind the wheels
The first thing I did after my SPM was to get my driver’s license and as soon as I got it, I moved out to KL for college. That was the end of my driving story. I get panicky each time I am behind the wheels and my legs will go wobbly. Imagine there was once a short stint where I was working in the Sales team WITHOUT being able to drive! My superior had to drive me around each time I secured an appointment. Like that also I can last for a little over a year in that company!Â
Anyway, the point of my story today is Darling has always been the designated driver since like forever. He drives me and Ethan around. I never find the need to drive when he is around and he feels more secure driving me but suddenly this year, there is a change in his routine. He won’t be able to drive Ethan to class on certain periods and I’ll have to take over. To prepare me for that, I started to take the wheels today.Â
Ethan has been a great sport, encouraging me all the way. He even directed me to his class telling me to take the left turn and so on. In other words, he was also my back seat driver @_@ But at least I know now that Ethan knows the way from home to his Mandarin class and back.
Having not driven for so long, I don’t even have the common sense of a driver. After sending Ethan to class, I had to drive to PJ. There was this cross-junction without a traffic light and I panicked. I thought ALL cross-junctions come equipped with traffic lights! Anyway, I stopped there waiting for the road to clear before even trying to drive forward but was given a very loud HONK by the lorry behind me gesturing to just GO!
I slowly move forward and the cars on my left started to slow down to make way for me but by then my legs turned jelly dy. Damn I was doing so great the entire morning until that incident scared the nerve out of me. The worst thing is, I did not even remember to buckle up until somebody noticed it in this picture that my belt is not secured :(Â
I do not enjoy driving. Many people told me that once I get the hang of it, I’ll enjoy the freedom but there is nothing I want more than being driven by Darling right now but I have to face the reality that I need to play the role of the driver for now, at least until Darling’s routine return to normal.
I might joke about it on Facebook but deep down, I’m really still very terrified and I wish I do not have to do this.Â
You’ll do fine after a couple times of practice I supposed :D You can do it!
Don’t quit….keep going. Like you, I also never drive since I got my license almost after SPM. However, my wifey trained me and now I felt so good, though I experienced lots of stresses years before. Just drive safely and defensively. no need to speed and yet not too slow. Try to drive instead of your hubby but with him guiding you by the side. :)
Haha I am truly happy and proud of you mummy Merryn… I’m not gong to say that you’ll like it in the end cause shits always happened but am really proud that you took up the challenge and drive!
Cant wait to see you xD
Awww…you would do fine soon. This somehow reminds me off my friend’s mum…she is 50++ and have not driven after she gets her license. And boy, I have no idea you can’t really do driving. But hey, you can definately nail this one. And take it easy….don’t let anything or anyone stress you out with a couple of honks.
1) check the back mirror and the side mirrors
2) check your seat
3) start engine
4) buckle up
5) look left and right, front and back
6) have a safe journey
7) don’t panic but i get nervous sometimes
Gawd Merryn, you and I can shake hands and give each other Hi-5 lol! I stopped driving when I stopped working in Dec 2006 and since then, my hubby has been driving me around. Now, I have lost touch of driving and hv no guts to drive just yet and my sense of direction sucks big time! Come, we go learn driving together lol!
Wah!!! Still can camwhore!!! Amazing! LOL!!! You want to employ a chauffeur? I’m available…. Hehehehehehe!!!!
Ohmy! First well done Merryn!! Hahaha at least you have the courage to do so, im still scaredy cat here! >.<
first scare driver, trust me in another few months time you’ll become ganas driver, can even road bullying ppl later….
Jgn takut Merryn.. u can do it!!
Wohooo…Mami did it. Next time can go KL edy.
Somehow driving in the big city really need to be “rude”, else we will be “trapped” like your situation.
Come on woman, at least you make the 1st move! Practise make perfect! *hugs*
Well Done, Merryn! You are doing great!
All you need is just practice, practice and more practice! Just like playing the piano : D
In order to fight with the fear, you need to drive more.
Yes, don’t let fear overcome you. I was so scared the first time too. But hang in there, you’ll overcome it..ganbateh!
drive safely, don’t camwhore so much in the car! XD
Haha it’s normal, just make sure you drive more often now, can drive around your neighborhood or when the road is not so busy.
Not everyone’s fortunate enough to have someone to drive ’em just because they dislike doing it.
Well done mommy Merryn! I am having difficulty to drive too lol. Either I am scare of the car hit me or I hit other people’s car lol.
Pity u Merryn!! My mum also nvr drove after getting her license LOL!
Driving is never fun cos it’s stressed but it’s true about the freedom though :D
It takes time to master the skill. Don’t stress urself out. Just be extra careful when u’re behind the wheels. Take ur time and look carefully before making ur move. If ppl honk u, jes ignore (easier said than done, I know :D). Keep trying ya!