Never Gonna Give You Up
Darling bought me this pair of Crocs three years ago. It has serve me well. I go for my almost daily evening brisk walk in them. Until a couple of days ago the shoelace hole snaps :(
See the arrows? It gave way to the constant tugging of the shoelaces. Both the left and right shoes gave way at the same time. I was left with no choice but to tie my shoelace one row lower. But it is not comfortable walking like that as it can be pretty loose.
Thank goodness the shoes is filled with holes so I can just insert the shoelace into other holes available!
There! This will do for now. Let’s see how long this hole can last me :D
My pair of imitation Crocs that costs RM35 when Darling bought it three years ago here. I think it has maximized its value :D
Time to get a new pair of shoes this weekend but I seriously love that pair of Crocs as they are extremely comfortable! It has also walked a million miles with me… ^_^
Is time to say good bye to your lovely shoe.
Wow… improviser. Smart. :D
Time to buy new one!!
Yes, it’s time to get a new Crocs :)
Make a trip to PWTC for the shoes festival. U wont regret! cos u, hubs and ethan can have new pairs of shoesssss
Wah! Your Crocs so lasting one ah! It worths the money you have spent
Time to get a new pair, Merryn! Crocs is missing you… hahahaa… coming to think of it, I need two pairs of shoes too..one for office work and one for going “kai kai”… :p
Throw the old one then only the new one will come :P
Hahaha nice design although it’s imitation. RM 35 can wear 3 years woh!
Value for money XD
I wonder where I threw mine… Slippers, over RM100…so painful to use, so I just threw it somewhere…dunno where now. Maybe I just gave up in the end and threw it away.
Good timing to get a new pair for yourself.
sometimes ‘old’ is better than ‘new’ especially those confortable one. just like I love old t-shirt and I’m still wearing my ‘old’ T despite with all those sexy holes but of course only at home.
Crocs is very comfy right? But I never bought one, LOL.
Wishing you a nice weekend!
Dear, I would suggest Birkenstock over Crocs,, seriously,may be Birkey is slightly more expenssive but the quality is far better than Crocs,,,, go try it lah,,,,,To me Crocs are just hype ,,hey have a great weekend ya
wow..lasted you 3 years? never had much luck with my crocs. the first got stolen. the second gave me a blister. too much friction as my feet is quite boney:-(
i don’t like cros shoes ..
i feel that there is not much air circulation..
mayb my one also imitation .. LOL
auwww! so cute la! ur kaki so small i tot ethan’s one summore. >.< Crocs mmg comfy to wear! ;)
That’s a nice design! Never seen one like that .
I’m a super Crocs fan.Can walk and walk and walk and walk with it !!!!! :-)
LOL!!! You so pandai la!
It is time to get a new pair…
Well, it sure looks well utilised! :-)
Yeah certain things just can’t be given away… sentimental values :-)