48 months
Looking through my folders today and found this video taken using my iPhone. I had to rotate it otherwise you guys will be straining your neck viewing it but the quality has been compromised as a result of that :(
This is one of my favourite videos of Ethan and I wonder why I did not post it up earlier. He is extremely cheerful here and I wanna hug him just by watching it.. <3 <3 <3
Ethan @ 48 months
Arrhh….my network here slow,cannot view the vid. Anyway, sometimes I do viewed back my kids younger pixs and I do felt the same as you. They really grown and they were so cute back then.
I also viewed my own pixs and realized I also cute when small. :p
*vomit* >_<
U pregnant ? Wow…now Ethan got bro!
Haha, really a nice video to keep!
wow, how fast time flies hor. Soon he will be all big and giving you teenager's problems. Enjoy them while they are young. LOL
Ethan is so cute!
Very adorable and so smart your boy! Hug him for me please!