Why playground time is vital
The best inheritance a parent can give to his children is a few minutes of their time everyday, so PLAYGROUND time is VERY important to us.
For only at the playground can..
the little one teach Daddy to cycle…
watch Daddy’s back so he won’t fall…
assures Daddy that he won’t let go…
never, ever letting go…
but sorry-lah Daddy! YOU are too heavy and I think I saw a pretty chic on the swing! See ya! BYE!
so who's that pretty chic on the swing?? mommy ah?? :p
Hahaha :D The bicycle takde rosak meh? :p
he's definitely too heavy for that tiny bike!
Luckily Daddy not big and fat like STP! LOL!!!
LOL at STP's comment! Great bonding time!Wishing you a great weekend!
haha luckily the small bike tahan lasak for daddy.
Daddy riding on the little tricycle..haha..rosak lor.
This is so cute haha :D He ain't heavy, he's your daddy!
Hahaha! This is hilarious! But that's what make our kids love us so much right?