Salam 1Malaysia
It was a hectic weekend with people hustling with their last minute shopping, crowding the war-like mall, causing insane jam on each and every road… I had to seek shelter away from it all. I was trapped in 1U :D
So we took a break from all the chaos and sat in a little corner in McD for some much needed peace and quiet.
While I was having my first Prosperity Burger of the year, I took the opportunity to go online – check emails, chat, FB-ing, tweet… And then I saw this in my e-mail…
Aiks! A Salam 1Malaysia greetings from our PM! Well.. Kudos to Dato’ Sri Najib Razak for making the effort in reaching out to his fellow countrymen in personalized seasonal greetings, but I can’t help myself from wondering, how in the world did his team get our email add?
But me being Merryn, she never thinks for over a minute.. :P After I tweeted and FB my thoughts out, I continued to gobble up my Prosperity Burger :D
Doesn’t matter how he got our add.. it was suppose to be a good thing – sending out greetings. Don’t let our paranoia turn it into a puzzling issue :)
Gong Xi Fa Chai!
haha, sat in a corner of McD for a piece of quietness?? i thot the McD in 1U is always packed with crowd?? :p
He didn't send me any salam also. :p