Connected Tots Experience
Just the other day I shared with you guys Ethan’s connected thoughts experience, didn’t I? How he visualised those large toilet paper rolls as tunnels for his train track and really making one (or more)? It was amazing and I wanted to learn more about brain cells connection. So I browsed the net for further info and stumbled upon this Anmum video on YouTube. Let’s watch.
:D Did you click on the correct choice of answer at the end of the video? I know! Awesome isn’t it? The video is interactive! LoL! For those who cheated, watch that video AGAIN and see what I meant! You have to watch it till the very end ok? :P
It’s wonderful to watch how Tania’s brain cells connect and helps her solve the problem faced by her mother on how to retrieve the fallen keys!
Watching that video motivates me to want to stimulate Ethan’s brain cells further but just how about do I do that? Any of you Mommies or Daddies out there have any idea? Do share with me for sharing is caring :D
With connected tot, you can build a house out of anything…
Have your head covered all the time…. :P
And the world will never be just black and white again! :D
More on brain cells connection and connected thoughts at http://www.connectedtots.com.my/
Another "connected" post… Competition? What prize?
In order to get the kids' brain cells connected, parents themselves play a major role and you have definitely done a wonderful job! Congratulation!Have a great weekend!
Interesting post.
haha it reminds me of the Dora thing haha
i actually tried them all to see what will happen haha