What’s for dinner?
When the ‘chef’ is down, what’s for dinner? No sweat! Darling and Ethan are jumping with joy for they can have this…
I know Panda Foong will be puking there… :D
And remember I blogged to complain that I’m bored with the take-out food? lol.. Guessed Darling must have read them because..
He got me these for MY dinner.. hahahhaa… it’s good to be ‘down’ once in a while :P
Oh…Ur dinner is titbits? Better get a proper meal.
gosh.. these for dinner??? *slap forehead* macam budak aja..
har ? *faint*
wah… cannot bee…Ethan need more nutrition food instead of this snack…
Wah, this one is not for dinner lah, snacks for watching football match leh!
Oh dear, Mr Potatoes for your dinner?!! I'd knock your hubby's head and said, " Hallo~!! Go get something more wholesome for your wonderful wifey!":pFried chicken not good for Ethan though, atleast get him a burger from McD, kiahahaha!(just kidding) All the best and have a pleasant day ahead!
Once a while it's ok. I do that too..haha. Must drink alot of water.
WHAT? Sick…and he got you junk food? Tsk! Tsk! Cannot cook kah, your hubby! Go tapao kai chok or something soupy, not oily!!! Chesh!
wei still got mood eat those ah??? hmmm?? not guai, must spank ur butt! LOL
lolz… ppl say "oi ching yam sui bau" (cantonese) merry is eating tit bits yam sui bau… =P
The KFC advertisement has achieve their goal.
wah.. nobody knows you better than William la… he sure know what to get, and since you only down once in that blue moon, let them have the KFC la.. take care my dear friend, bila mau keluar jalan jalan with me ah?
You ar!! Haha! If I ever have those for dinner, even when I'm not sick, I dare not even tell people. Sure kena kutuk. Eat more fruits la… simple, healthy and no need to cook :p
What? You eat pringles for dinner? That is not healthy enough :P
heheehe…I do that too but only during lunch in office cos if at home, for sure my hub will nag nag cos he always says, titbits are no good.
I love to eat KFC. :D
is this a paid post? hahaha.. kidding kidding. pls don't tell me you are serious, those junk is yr dinner? i whack you @_@
hehehe we love pringles too =P
Are u kidding me? Pringles for dinner? How to survive the rest of the night? LOL!