Merryn can cook :P
Yeah, I am impressed :P I can cook :D And I’m talking about meat here, not vegetables :P
But before my head gets any bigger, let me tell you one thing. This is the ONLY way I know how to fry chicken. What I normally do when Darling brings home those chicken is to clean them up and season them with pepper and light soya sauce. I’ll then keep them in a container and freeze them. The next day, just thaw them out and FRY! Oh yeah, I like to add a dash of sesame oil on them chicken before frying for added aroma :D My mother will add some thick soya sauce for colour but I don’t as I find mine golden brown enough :)
My fried chicken
Ethan’s favourite :D
i want!
i think i oso can cook la! btw, if fry this, the oil will popping or not?? lol!
Caroline – Wear a a pair of goggles and the H1N1 mask. So when you fry, doesnt matter if the oil splat out, you'll be ok! :D hahhahahaa.. :P
wah…. i like chicken wings~~ *slurp*
Of course you can cook! A very good cook too :)
You definitely can cook, Merryn. You fried the chicken to perfection. After frying the kitchen will be oily so I seldom fry things. :P How do you store the oil after frying?
MummyGwen – I let it cool, then filter then keep in a container to be used the next day. But I don't normally use them more than twice :DFry chicken kitchen gets oily. Tongue a bit twisted there.. must ask ethan try saying it :P
no bad look nice.if you make a lot and cannot finish. Please dont waste tell me and let me try :D
War…Ethan is enjoying is food aye. :)
i always use the frying powder from the super and yet trying out simple way of marinating like this. shud try one day :)
Ethan's expression is so cute… I want fried chicken too…
Just put in the oven… Also nice and a lot healthier than frying. Aiyor…you dunno how to cook kah? Kesian your hubby! Kesian Ethan… Nothing beats mummy's (or daddy's) cooking – even the best, the most expensive restaurant in the world. You ask my daughter lah – how she would rather eat what I cook…even when not so nice, will taste nice as it was cooked with passion…and love!
I don't like frying food in a wok. The oil tend to splatter alot. I do enjoy eating fried chicken now and then. Home-made ones are better than KFC :)
wah, chicken wings all lined up on the plate, waiting to be eaten. Suggestion:Dip chicken into egg / a bit of honey, coat with bread crumbs or cereal and deep fry. I donno what it tastes like, but my brain tells me it will taste good.
It's only 10:54AM!!! And I feel hungry now..
Merryn, I think you really can cook lah! Your chicken wing looks so tempting… you make me crave for fried chicken now!
10pieces for me please!! :P
Looks nice and good to eat!
Oh..it look good & yummy!! I think for meat dish, fry chicken wing is the easier and it won't go wrong. Like STP said, next time can try use oven, much easier. The other day i just experince it. :)
I think you did a good job, a great start! Should experiment more often and share it with us :D
oh making me hungry! looks yummy and crispy… ibetter set our dinner now! lolhappy weekend!