A gross story of Enoki mushroom
Enokitake is long, thin white mushrooms used in Asian cuisines. Ethan loves anything mushroom :) Give him any variety of mushrooms and he’ll happily digest them :PI particularly loves enoki mushrooms. Not only are they superbly delicious, it also possesses antioxidant.

Now here’s my gross story of
enoki mushrooms. Ethan loves
enoki right? When he ate them, he did not chew them thoroughly. Ha ha.. So obviously when he passed motion, it came out in its original form – thin and long! It got stuck
‘there’ half way through and Darling had to extract them out! He pulled and pulled.. (
ok, gross!)
lol..He got so grossed out that he banned
enoki indefinitely.
LMAO! Of course I argued how delicious they were and what a waste it would be to ban them out of our lives! Darling then told me that if anything of such similar nature were to repeat, it will be MY job to clean Ethan up
Ethan and I still love enoki mushrooms. Darling.. well.. I don’t see him eating them yet though! lol.. It’s just that these days, I make sure to cut them short before cooking them :P

Ethan’s favourite –
Enoki mushrooms in anchovies soup base with oyster mushroom, carrot, corn and
fishball :D Just add some rice and that’s his meal for the day
Next time cut short short…Very healthy soup!
yuckz! thats really GROSS! i x jadi makan my muffins dy now. yuckie!! yish y la u diz! urgh~~
lol okie i love the soup, next time when WE go serbu ur house, make sure its in the menu for us! haha!
My daughter loves these mushrooms!!! It comes out whole because he does not chew properly before swallowing…just like me and my corn kernels whenever I eat corn – but I've an excuse. I don;t have that many teeth left! LOL!!! Hey! You have corn too! What a coincidence!
Chop it shorter next round
Really must cut short short before feeding Ethan.
Eeeeewwwww! Gross but funny haha. Your soup is very healthy and delicious. I cook enoki quite often too but will snip-snip with scissors first before serving to C.
And I was planning on cooking this with pumpkin tomorrow!!!!
eh.. still long and thin la.. guess u want to try the fear factor that your hubby did? grossss.. ahhh.. but then own son, never mind.. right?
lolz.. kesian papa ethan. I can understand his feeling to clean ethan…
OMG Now I'll have to think twice before eating enoki mushrooms. the image of your hubby pulling them out from Ethan……….
Aiks~~~ I like this mushroom leh… hmm…
heheheh kesian the fler need to pull the enoki out. my jd also loveess mushroom. Say its mushroom he will hantam all BUT i never check his poop haha
LOL!! My girl loves mushrooms too, luckily the same incident didn't happen on her, kiahahah!Have a wonderful weekend to you and Ethan!p/s: Regarding my girl "conteng" on daddy's wall, our house is actually under renovation. Next Monday we will have our house repaint! Papa has to wash the wall because silly mama used fabric paint instead of water colour for the mural!:p
Ewww…that was gross. Gwen likes mushrooms too. Her fav mushrooms is shitake. The soup looks delicious. :)
haha the first thing that comes to my mind is a ghost story hahaha.. next time i read carefully LOL
uhmm not yet tried soup with enoki mushrooms haha i wonder how ethan reacts on this …
I don't mind. I think they are still very delicious. :D
My girl also loves any mushroom. But I avoid giving her enoki, it's hard to chew and they might choke on it, and not digestable. Enoki only for me, thank you… :)
lol! next time tell ethan to better chew good
yea, cut it short2 ;) i love mushrooms too!
Enoki mushroom is good to eat.same like your son, i guess almost 90% people like it too.
mushrooms are quite hard to digest so I'm not surprised they come out the original form that they went in with. .. LOL
hahahahhaha, it do sound gross!! Lukcy i am not drinking or eating something while i reading this.I love enoki mushroom too, especially when having steamboat!
Does Ethan loves Chinese Mushroom? If yes, when he pass motion, you can see some black colour thing inside it too:-)
This just happened to me and I was so frickin grossed out! I’ve been searching the Web for parasites until I realized what happened yesterday: Me and gf went to eat Japanese and ordered butter-fried enoki mushrooms. My gf kept complaining how they got stuck in her teeth, and I proclaimed to have found a solution by only lightly chewing them and swallowing them whole. Boy did I pay for that… I’m being laughed at right now.
LoL Karl!
I can imagine the panic! :P Haha..
=.=” =.=” =.=” =.=” I was thinking what story will be that gross which probably relates to germs/bacteria etc mana tau……
hahaha! It would be really gross if you post up a photo of the “post-motion” Enoki mushroom~
Ok, i can imagine that……children usually lazy to chew their food. Like my boy, he doesnt chew much, simple swallow his food. Whereas the sister will chew and chew for more than a minute then she swallows. Sigh! I need to be patient with my girl when we eat out while I keep reminding my boy to slow down when eating.
hmm but does that also mean that Ethan’s digestive system is not good? =S
I normally chop them up if I have to serve young kids or adults!
When my family has hot pot with some friends we had these mushrooms. My daughter consumed a bunch of them. 2 days later she had a BM and yelled for me to come look at what was in the toilet. I honestly thought it was intestinal worms at first. I took her to the doctors that day and they said it was not parasitic! It was a food laugh though. Then I was telling my friend about it and she said “oh the enoki is hard to digest!”
LoL! That is hilarious but I would freak out too as just how I freaked out at my own son. Haha!
omg thank you so much i ate these and thought it was parasites in my poop glad im ok it was just mushrooma
omg i was searching the web if humans have the enzyme that properly digests the outer layer of enoki because the same incident happened to me today, and i stumble upon this ahhhh!