Anlene BoneHealth Check
Saw the Anlene Bone Science road show in 1Utama today. Without hesitating, we went to register for a bone scan.

‘escaped’ the long queue and were immediately directed to the Priority Counter. I wondered why and was told it was because of Ethan.

If you are allergic to the substance
‘spirit’, you’ll not want to go for this scan as your foot will be sprayed all over with it (
for hygiene purposes). They’ll only need to scan one foot, so put your best foot forward

My reading shows that I’m fine – low risk. Darling’s however fell under medium risk at -2.1

We then proceeded to talk to the nutritionist to find out what went wrong. Darling doesn’t smoke, booze or drink coffee. So what could be wrong? Apparently, your genes can be a contributing factor too… sigh.

We were then ushered to the Milk Bar

We were served Jacob’s Oat Meal, Anlene Concentrate and Anlene Yogurt

Ethan enjoyed himself the most. He sat down quietly munching away during the Q n A session.

The MC was none other than
Joanna Bessey. Both Darling and I managed to answer a question each and we got rewarded with….

These.. Many packets of Anlene Concentrate and a mug
wah, congrats!
bec of ethan? wah..ethan is celebrity now.. so can get priority.. hehhee.. btw, who is this joanna? dj? so now u r drinking anlene? good.. stronger bones!
Oic…how come your darling is medium-risk? :/
@claire – bec of ethan in the sense that we have a restless child so they put us in the Priority Counter. Not because of 'celebrity' lah! Adoi! Joanna acted in Kopitiam, remember?@Tekkaus – Sigh.. dunno lah. Expected MINE to be bad, but his is worse! sigh..
Wah! So lucky get priority becoz of Ethan! Lucky you have low risk! Not so lucky for your hubby, so now how? He must drink more Anlene? LOL!
Joanna Bessey! She's the star in the local comedy called Kopitiam together with Lina Teoh and Douglas Lim right?
Can I still scan if I put my not so best foot forward? Haha!
@foongpc – Yeah you can still scan but they'll tell you that you've had too much pineapple tart and that you've watch too much porn! lol.. oh gosh, does that got anything to do with bones??? :P
Wah! Ethan really looked as if he's enjoying himself! Congrats for winning! : )
hi merryn! You are in da house! Wazzup? Haha!
@foongpc – You are totally right bout Joanna :D I missed the part where Datuk Michelle Yeoh made her appearance in 1U though.. bummer…
Eh, so scary one the scan can tell I watched porn one, don't want to go scan oredy. Hehe
Aiya! Why you missed that?! Btw, I am just one person away from knowing Michelle Yeoh – I know of someone who is her classmate! Haha.
Oh I love this products.. I am taking this small box too..easier…oh wow.. Joanna become the MC … great.. ^_^
@foongpc – Then I'm only two steps away from getting to know Datuk… I know of 'someone' who knows someone who was her former classmate.. :P
Congratulations on the goodies and mugs.Don't worry too much on William's so call low bone density. I've been thru these thingy before. Also say that I have low bone densitywhen i asked a doctor fren of mine,he laughed. Told me not to worry as those machine cant really check whether we have low bone density. If really wanna check must go to the hospital go thru DEXA Scan.Not these type that looks like "Foot Massagers"Ahemm…so William can now have a good night sleep or do what ever activities la . No need to worry abt the bone density :p
Must be Ethan's charm ler..hehehe. I always wanted to go for the bone density check but no chance lah. I think the scanner not accurate too. ^_^
hahaha.. with a kid, we get many 'privileges' hoh.. another reason I did not regret having Breanna.. muahahah.. :pbtw, how is the Anlene taste ah? I can't stand milk taste but I think I am lack of calcium..
Wa didnt't know Ethan can have "kan tao" one,, priority somemore,,,,hey dear sorry didn't manage to go down KL this time,,,,,hahahaha
@smallkucing – Yeah baby! Now William can get back in action :P @Mummygwen – I wondered how accurate the reading is too.. :D@Cynthia – I'm taking the chocolate flavored one..@Eugene – tak per dude.. we can meet again some other time :D
Hah!!! Now must feed ur darling lots of Calcium. Go and buy calcium supplements – eat lots of fish, milk, eggs…… So young, must jaga!!!
because of Michelle Yeoh…that why I m drinking milk.. because I want to loook like her when i m in my 50s, that why i m drinking milk… but cant understand why the milk taste so sweet………
yes…start taking calcium when u r younger..good for the bones. :)
Congrats, after finishing all the Anlene, you will have super strong bone…..let hubby have some too…if not he will be too tired to 'work' hard at night! ha ha ha!
wah good, free anlene! not cheap le tis Anlene, i take it sometimes :)
congrats!!!! drink more, it's never too early :)I went for this test before too, my results were good but hubby's borderline.
Very good, can get a free bone check up and free Anlene drink. I never done that before..Your hub got to start take care of bone now, time to eat some calcium tab and drink more milk.
Wow! So many ppl…
Wouh………..its good to have free checkup & freebies at same time.
er.. I wonder girl will have this kind of problems instead of boy. How can it happens? If based on gender, girl has this problems rather than boy. What happen to your hubby? Maybe, all the nutrition food you sampu habis oledi… and leave nothing for your hubby.
oh what a good boy! taht's great some bone check!
hi dear, sorry haven't been around too…baby taking up my time won't let me near the computer at times =P