Enfa A+ Smart Camp in 1 Utama

Ethan was told to choose his favourite food from the rotating wheel. He chose broccoli, corn and eggs. Good boy :) He got a cap for completing the quest.
Quest 2: Mission Tripple Protection Guard
Ethan needs to collect the necessary nutrients in order to get protected.
Quest 3: Spell it Big
Ethan’s favourite. Anything puzzle-like is his favourite. He solved this cow in no time :)Quest 4: Beat It!
Another of Ethan’s favourite. Can see the musical side in him, banging on the drum like nobody’s business! He even played the gigantic xylophone.
Quest 5: Gold Around The World
Fuiyo, my son is a mini golfer ody. Oh please don’t grow up to be a ‘Tiger in the Woods’ :P He golfed in KLCC, the Pyramids and Big Ben.
See, he has travelled the world :)

This camp is definitely better and more interesting than the Dutch Lady Hoopla Roadshow that was recently held in 1 Utama too. At least for this Enfa camp, we were not required to purchase anything to participate in the camp. One downside though, it is only for a limited time, six days to be exact. So all you mommies out there, be quick and make your way there today! :)
We have Efa Owl face mask in Miri. My two sons got 1 each. They look so funny when put on.
this is for more than 2 years old over??i think my daughter still cannot attend right
CH Voon, your daughter can go.. they have ppl to guide her :) just go lah :P Maybe YOU'll find it interesting.. lolWilliam, I can imagine! lol.. surely a funny sight. :D
Lots of fun and great acivities! I'm sure Ethan had a blast!
so interesting enfa camp! Must go ahaha
Agree. I went to the Disney hoopla last Friday, and bit disappointed that i need to make a purchase for my girl to go inside and play.My girls is an Enfa consumer. And we attend similar one last October with similar goodies. I carried my 1+ year while my 3+ year daughter play. and I received two goody bags.
Why always at 1U? Far from my place lah. Come to Sunway Pyramid lah..hehe. Ethan is very smart lah..he completed all the tasks. *clap clap*
my younger daughter is an enfa baby. she started from enfalac.. now, at 7+, she's still drinking enfakid!
same la….the activities for this enfa same. i attended one in pyramid a few months back. if u go 1U again..tell them to change activities..hehehe
smart boy Ethan!! and YES, he loves corn!!! hehehehe… I know I know..
oh how interesting but too bad..only for 6 days. i don't know when we'll be going to 1U :(
Wah really fast la u… I just received Enfa's sms yday regarding this event. Ya, the activities in the "camp" is exactly the same as the one we attended in sunway pyramid in Aug but I think we'll still go again, for this 1U one hehe..
lovely outing! Ethan is such a clever boy :)
that's a very interactive activity for kids, good for ethan!
Ethan's such a clever boy. Well done!!
wow.. so clever and manage to complete all by himself at such a young age!!!
Ethan's a veteran when it comes to such camps or activities. Coz mommy so hardworking to bring him there. ;) But good leh, can play games then get goody bag.
wah, tis time looks bigger than the one we went last year :) ethan daring de hor, good good!
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