It is located in Dataran Sunway, just ten minutes drive away from IKEA and 1Utama. You can either choose to dine in the air-conditioned area or the open area. Basically if you are a smoker, go for the open area~lah. Better still, don’t smoke!
Opens 24/7. High speed broadband available too. Darling’s ‘wanton’ noodles. RM4.50
My curry noodles. Served just the way I like it, with the cockles on top and not dipped inside the gravy. Lots of chicken pieces too. Yummy. RM5.00
Ethan’s Chee Cheong Fun. With fish balls, okra and two sauce – sweet and spicy.
We’ll normally get a cup of soya bean milk here before we walk into the ‘Neighbourhood’. Haha.. I know, some places will have a large sign saying “No outside food and drinks allowed” but this place, we are sooo regular here, they don’t even bother. Their fault for not serving fresh soya bean drinks!
One is never enough. We will normally get another on our way back to the car. :)
as long ethan can sit still for a quick meal..its very good dy..
Yum yum curry mee! :)
Curry mee looks yummy…make me feel hungry now.
You stay nearby ke? Always go to Ikea and 1U only hehe. The food looks good and the price is reasonable too. Oh..I like curry noodles and with cockles too but dipped into curry also nvm lah. :D
You always go to Neighbourhood to eat? And buy the taufufa from across the road? Surprisingly, I've never eaten there although I pass there many times. Maybe too many people there? I hate crowds! : )
oh.. the price not bad hah.. :D and the curry mee.. next time we go there and eat can? :p
jeng ler….love the curry noodle…looks good ler…
my mouth waters so much as I look the array of food in that restaurant, oh nooo….!!!
oh sedap la. i really need to get chee cheong fun tis wkend. haha! pricing very reasonable too hor. nice place.
hey..neighbourhood? btw, i just took curry mee this morning thank goodness, otherwise my saliva sure drool one.. hehehe…
soya bean is healthy so it's ok to induldgemerryn those noodles look delish, come to think of it I craved for wonton soup for a while during my early pregnancy =)
have a great day!!
Me hungry already lor. Look at the satisfaction on Ethan's face; he's enjoying every sip of the nutritious drink. :)
Oooo, the curry mee looks delicious!
I love pork noodle. Nyum nyum!
Both my kids never like 'chee cheong fun'.
The curry mee looks so yummy…too bad I can't take spicy food… Ethan looks so satisfied with his Soya bean drink :)
I miss wantan mee :(
We sometimes drop by this Neighbourhood coffeeshop too, on our way home from Ikea/The Curve.Tthat is if we're early. After a certain time, finding a parking there is a big hassle!
I cant stand seeing those noodles….mmm…look tempting lah. Ethan sure had fun time dining out..and he loves soya bean vm..so cute!
Your bowl of curry noodles look so good. You like to eat raw cockles? Eeeks, you can be a Fear Factor contestant! I used to love eating cockles but after I found out how dirty they are, I dared not eat them anymore, though sometimes I would eat one or two in my char koay teow.
I want that curry noodle too…especially the cockles. Must ask Kimmy to bring me there.
War..everything seems more expensive over there huh! What do I expect. :p
Such a long time I did not eat curry altho I love them. I super love curry with cockles. Nice nice!Ethan can tahan the spicy sauce?