Lunch date
Was crafting with Ethan when I received a call from Cynthia inviting me out for lunch. So nice! Something to take my mind off crafting for a little while. Been too engrossed with the demo preparation until turning into a zombie. A quick time out is highly appreciated. :)
So we went to the same place the last time we went out for lunch together, Shan Western Grill. Last time we forgot to take photos of the food. This time we did not forget.
Aww… somebody’s not happy to share his precious Elmo

Thank you Cynthia for making me feel ‘human’ again. Any other mommy bloggers out there wanna date me out for lunch? :P
Imagine this scenerio .. Me slaving and slogging away in the office while two siew lai lai eating western food, goyang-ing kaki in the air con restaurant…so torturing for me hor? Ok, next time ajak me sekali but please come to IPOH? :)
Ethan is such a good boy huh! Although at first he was reluctant but then he enjoys the spirit of sharing. :D
i can do lunch with me, minus philip cos my work place is in Shah Alam..if wanna meet Philip, will be the weekends..ehehhehe
The milo serving is very creative! I love milo!
wah.. you are fast la Merryn!! I just got home and you already got it posted!!! OK Rachel.. when are we having lunch in SA?
Yummy food! And I have not taken dinner yet.
Then….tis coming Dec we can hav gathering since I am goin to KL|….
wow..nice meet..
Ethan loves his Elmo very much huh. Aww..he is sharing his Elmo with sweet.I'd love to date you one day. ;) But I'm really bad at road directions except to the shopping malls..hehe.
My dear friends : It is really a great idea to meet up this December.Looking forward to it :)Breanna and Ethan will be close friends, sharing Elmo together..
I want to have a mummy blogger outing too!! too bad I am too far away :-(
Ethan so nice, sharing his little Elmo with Breanna!! :-)ok time we have lunch in IKEA ya!! :-)
How nice to go on a lunch date to chit chat and kids get to socialise too! I would love to date both of u someday…Cute way to serve MILO :) the photo of Breanna eating. She likes to eat adult food a lot. I saw her last week and she kept asking her mom to feed her pan mee…hahahahaha
seems all ladies here only.. where r the papa bloggers?? so when and where r we going to 8? KL or IPOH or JB? hahhaa.. i talk big only .. (tak chek kong)
claire, end of dec.. it's a date!
Oh yes Barb, Cynthia told me bout her meet up with you and Elaine. :)
Merryn, the mushroom sauce fish is loaded with sauce. Can't even see that piece of fish!
ohhh… sedaaaaaaap!
your meal sure looks delish!
Breanna is very cute ya ? Rachel been suggesting a bloggers meet, but I'm too lazy to plan. If you do plan, let me know k ?
*Envy-nya* Good food, good company. Wish I can have such a mummy's day out too :-)
Ethan also likes broccoli? Yay! Gimme a 5, Ethan!! Oh, first time I see Milo being served like this!
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hello friends. I'm actually into shoes and I had been digging for that particular make. The prices due to the fact that the shoes are approximately 210 bucks on every site. But finally I set this site selling them as a remedy for half price. I really like these [url =]prada sneakers[/url]. I will definetly purchase those. what can you tell me about these?
Hello. And Bye.
hi dudes. I'm honestly into shoes and I was digging for that singular model. The prices for the velcros were around 230 bucks everwhere. But finally I bring about this locate selling them as a remedy for half price. I exceptionally like these [url =]gucci sneakers[/url]. I will absolutely purchase those. what is your opinion?
good evening bros. I'm actually into shoes and I was searching for that meticulous model. The prices due to the fact that the boots were approximately 190 dollars on every page. But completely I set this site selling them for half price. I exceptionally like those [url =]gucci sneakers[/url]. I will probably purchase those. what is your opinion?