One diaper a day, keeps Mommy happy!
As I am typing this post, my bum is literally dancing on my seat. Why? Because Ethan is now officially diaper free during the day! Hurray! Every mother’s dream come true! I did not do anything to train him off diapers previously.
Just the day after he turns two, I took his diapers off during the day and let him around the house with his underwear and pants. I had to monitor him and bring him to the loo every hour for him to urinate. There will be ‘accidents‘ once in a while when he told me he wants to ‘pee’ and leak at the very same time.
Today, during breakfast, he told me that he wants to “Pass motion”. Oh yes, he used the word “Pass motion”, no more “nggk nggk“. And sure enough, when I brought him to the loo, he did his business! First time he is able to tell me. All this while, it has been a guessing game for me.
And today, he successfully told me each time he wants to pee. He’ll tell me “Pee some more, faster faster!”. And I’ll have to hurry him to the loo. No accidents today. He even went to the playground without his diapers! Yeay!
Now, I only let him wear his diapers once a day, during his bed time. That too, he wakes up dry most of the time. But I’ll still let him wear it just in case. After all, it’s just been a week since he turned two! :)