Is swimming safe?
Ethan’s going to be TWO next month, but believe it or not, he has NEVER been dipped into a swimming pool! Darling’s always think that Ethan is not ‘meaty’ enough to go swimming, scared he gets ‘cold’ easily. So, swimming has never been in any of our activity. Yesterday though, we brought Ethan to the swimming pool. Not to swim, but just for a look. LOL. This boy, smart enough to tell me he wants to SWIM! Okay, but then, he added. Soooooo BIG! I asked him what is big, he said, “the tub!”. @@ My poor boy is thinking that the swimming pool is a BIG, BIG tub where people go to bathe! Goodness!
So immediately, we head to 1Utama to get some swimming gear for Ethan so that he will be able to go swimming next week! Otherwise he’ll be like ‘a frog under a coconut shell’, doesn’t even know what a swimming pool is!
See what we’ve got for him. An Ogival fullsuit @ RM49.90 only with a further 15% discount for JCard members!
He seems to love it! Again, he told me, “Mummy, bathe Ethan!” *Slap forehead*
After we purchased that suit, I was very excited; can’t wait for next week so that we can go swimming. I even went and try to see if I can still fit in MY swimming attire. So glad that I still can! But then, just a few minutes ago, I was chatting with Kimmy and this fella told me that if anyone in the pool sneezes into the water, the WHOLE pool will be at risk for H1N1! (He said he was joking, but then, I was thinking, could be true oso eh?)
OMG! Now, I don’t think I’ll bring Ethan swimming ever again! :(
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