I woke up at 10am this morning! Yes, you read me right, 10am!!! I have not had the luxury to sleep in so late since the arrival of Ethan. But today, thanx to my ‘malfunction’ alarm clock, we all slept till 10am! FYI, I have not been using real time alarm clock since Ethan was like.. 4 months old? He flung the clock so far that it hit the wall and smashed! (the clock I meant… ) Every morning without fail Ethan will wake up around 8am in his crib and ‘cross’ over to our bed to wake us up. Today however, he slept through till 9am, crossed over and woke me up. Sensing that it was raining and feeling all so sleepy, I happily shoved in the pacifier into his mouth. (He has not been using the pacifier during sleep for some time now, only use it to put him to sleep, after which, he will drop it).
Ahh.. I felt like I just came back from a holiday! So rejuvenated. It’s a miracle what sleep can do to us!
Ethan dear, it will be so nice of you if you can let mommy and daddy sleep in late once in a while during the weekends, ok?
P/S: I am an extra happy and cheerful person today! :)