Better than men
German women better at assembling IKEA furniture?
That was what I read in the papers yesterday. According to the head of the German division of the home products retailer, IKEA, says the company’s male customers have a bad track record compared to its female clients when it comes to putting furniture together.
“Men never look at the instruction leaflet and have the most problems when assembling our furniture because they think they can do it without help,” according to Petra Hesser.
(So typical of men isn’t it? Always think that they know EVERYTHING, when in actual fact, they know nuts! He he he.. :P)
Women, on the other hand, study the instructions and are methodical when it comes to getting the job done. “A woman will neatly lay out all the screws while a man will throw them in a pile. Something always goes missing.”
(See.. men! You are very lucky your wives doesn’t go missing on YOU! :P)
I whole-heartedly 101% agree with the above. We have so many IKEA products at home and each time after purchasing it, Darling’s job is to carry it into the house while I do the unpacking and assembling part. Darling is hopeless when it comes to reading manuals. It’s like giving him a foreign dictionary or something! And if I do force him to assemble it, he’ll end up losing his patience half way through or worst still, end up damaging the product. So to avoid all those, I take the initiative to assemble them… myself!
Cheers to all the ladies out there who assemble their IKEA products or be it any products that need assembling… :)