36. Boys will be boys
My little Ethan is not so little anymore. Well, he is still little in size, but not so little on attitude. He is going to be 17 months old this 21st. He is like a bolt of lightning at home, dashing here and there in the speed of light. With just a blink of an eye, he can be from Point A to Point B. Blink twice and he will be high on the staircase or on the door grill, hanging for dear life.
His daily evening playground routine used to be so relaxing for me. Now, it is like a total body workout chasing and running after him. He no longer wants to sit on the see-saw. He stands on it and lets go of his hands. And then claps to show his big accomplishment!
He has a strong fascination on climbing ladders. No, I am not talking about staircase, I am talking about ladders. He will grab, climb, gets tired and let go. Just like that! I have to be on standby all the time to catch him if he falls. But most of the time, me, being the wicked witch of the west, will just let him fall, provided he is not too high. I strongly believe certain things he needs to experience for himself to understand and learn.
Anyway, I am nothing but happy to see Ethan as active as he is today because boyz will be boyz and this is an indication that he is growing well and his motor skills and whatever skills are all developing nicely. Besides, all the chasing and running is good for me too… ;p