Moist Orange Cake Recipe
We’ll be baking moist orange cake today. I browsed the web and found a recipe on allrecipes.co.uk that I believe will work so I tested it out. I tweaked it to suit my preference and this is the result: Super moist and delicious orange cake. This is my tweaked recipe: 110g butter 130g sugar (the original calls for 150g) Grated orange zest from ONE orange (the original says 2 tablespoons) 2 egg yolks 2 egg […]
Simple Rice Cooker Cakes Recipes
Since I am so crazy on baking using my rice cooker, I think I better list down all my rice cooker cakes posts in ONE post for easier reference. I’ll update this post as and when I have a new successful bake to share :) Moist Chocolate Cake *Tutorial Video* Click for full recipe: https://submerryn.com/2015/05/rice-cooker-cakes-moist-chocolate-cake.html Cheesecake *Tutorial Video* Click for full recipe: https://submerryn.com/2017/04/baking-with-ayden-rice-cooker-cheesecake.html Marble Butter Cake *Tutorial Video* Click for full recipe: https://submerryn.com/2015/05/rice-cooker-cakes-marble-butter-cake.html Moist Orange Cake *Tutorial Video* […]