Constipation relief : Papaya and corn soup
Ethan doesn’t eat fruits. If I don’t make him eat enough fiber I’m afraid he’ll get constipated one fine day. What I can do however, is to boil papaya soup for him regularly. He doesn’t know it is papaya soup though because I boiled it with corn and the sweetness of the corn actually camouflage the papaya taste (if any). Papaya is one of the best fruit to eat if you suffer from digestive problems […]
The bitter bitter gourd soup
The weather has been hot like crazy these days so I thought of boiling my favourite bitter gourd soup over the weekend to cool us down. I’ve never boiled this before I tell you though I’ve had it outside countless times. How hard can it be? It’s just like boiling any other soup but instead of using old cucumber or anything else, we use bitter gourd. No? – pork ribs – bitter gourd 苦瓜 (rub […]
Old Cucumber Soup Recipe
One of my new year resolution is to have home-cooked food more often. Throughout the entire year we only dined at home like once every week and that is so unhealthy. So to kick start the coming new year, I’m going to learn how to cook and the first thing to do is learn how to boil kick-ass nutritious yet delicious soup! :D Today we have the refreshing Old Cucumber Soup to start our day […]