Learning through play
I give English and Math tuition at home for Primary school going kids. Ethan participates in all these classes ever since like ‘forever’.. The other day I was teaching the Primary 4 kids Multiplication. After class, Ethan requested to learn multiplication too. I told him it is good enough that he knows his Addition and Subtraction well and that Multiplication can wait. After all, he is not even FIVE yet! But he insisted to learn as […]
Preserving Newspaper Cutting
You know right that I’m fehmes? *cue to massively vomit blood now* :P We appeared in the newspaper several times before and I treasure them like those are the most valuable thing in the world to me. *jakun* I framed them up and hung it where people can see it. Unfortunately I noticed that after some time, those newspaper cuttings tend to turn yellow. The other day, while printing some worksheets for Ethan, I thought of […]