DIY Handphone Charger Holder
How many of you charges your handphone this way and worry that some elephant might stomp on it when you are not watching? I used to do it this way until that day when I saw a genius creation of a handphone charger holder being made out of plastic shampoo container being shared on Facebook. Well, I don’t think I can even cut a shampoo container so I decided to make do with a milk […]
Milk Carton Sailboat Craft
Every once in a while I like to buy milk in a carton. We don’t drink them too often but we do-lah once in a while. Knowing me, you’ll know that I don’t throw away things easily. I’ll try to come out with something before disposing them off. So we did this – Milk Carton Sailboat. Ethan and his milk carton sailboat. Ethan enjoying his glass of chocolate milk. I super love chocolate milk! Ethan […]
Recycle your eco-friendly shopping bags and old CDs
If you are a blogger who loves attending events, you are sure to have lots and lots of eco-friendly shopping bags at home. I have like a million of them! :P Apart from attending events, we bloggers get to attend movie screenings too aye? That only means that I do not purchase VCDs/DVDs as often as I used to anymore. In fact, I have so many CDs/VCDs/DVDs at home that is full of scratches that […]