Back to School..
Huhuhu. UPSR is over and that means it is back to school for the rest of the school kids. Ethan enjoyed a 3-day off this week. He went to school on Monday and school is off on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. It is back to school on Friday tomorrow.
Ethan went for a school excursion on Wednesday.
It’s a day trip to Farm In The City, Chocolate Factory, Sakae Sushi and 3D Art. We paid for this trip many months ago. It is Ethan’s first time following a school excursion. I did not give him a camera so there is no pictures from his trip. His teacher did update our Whatsapp group each time they arrived a new place but Ethan is not in all those pictures except this:
Yup, only this. One and only picture of him I have of his trip
Other than the school excursion, he enjoyed playing football with the neighbourhood kids at the playground.
Can you spot Ethan?
Yup, that’s him. The smallest of the lot. Can you see the semangat 1Malaysia there? So nice to see kids of multi races playing together.
Actually school break or no break, this is what he does every evening. He looks forward to playing football with his friends so much that even though he is not done doing his homework, like clockwork he’ll get out of his room, grab something to eat and off to the playground in the evening. He’ll continue doing his homework at night after dinner before going to bed >_<
Many times I have argued with him to finish his homework first before going to the playground or at desperate times when he has too many homeworks, I told him to skip playground but all hell break loose after that as he will be extremely grumpy and walks around like a time bomb ready to explode any time.
These days, I just let him go to the playground and if he needs to sleep later to finish his homework, let him be. If he can’t wake up the next day also, let him be. If he doesn’t want to go to school also, let him be. There is no point arguing. I’ll only end up with a higher blood pressure and more grey hair. Not even a teenager yet but already behaving like one. Who can relate with me, we gang -.-
Mana dia?? ^^
It is good let the kids have fun and educational trip. Tomorrow is the start of school holidays!! Can sleep late.
Dei! Don’t stop him lah, maybe football is his real passion. Who knows maybe he be the next Ronaldo.
Back for one day, such a nuisance – they could have just called it off…and parents could plan to go somewhere right away on an extended holiday. Air tickets are so much cheaper outside of the school holidays.
I am puzzled how all my comments went missing. Sigh!
This is the only surviving comment. Haha. Don’t fret. Have a nice weekend :)
Just let him play football first and then after that, can still continue with his homework. Win-win!