Constipation relief : Papaya and corn soup
Ethan doesn’t eat fruits. If I don’t make him eat enough fiber I’m afraid he’ll get constipated one fine day. What I can do however, is to boil papaya soup for him regularly. He doesn’t know it is papaya soup though because I boiled it with corn and the sweetness of the corn actually camouflage the papaya taste (if any).
Papaya is one of the best fruit to eat if you suffer from digestive problems particularly constipation. Papaya contains papain, a protein-digesting enzyme that helps to ease constipation.Â
Papain is more concentrated in green unripe papaya but I don’t have that today as my mom just gave me this sweet ripe papaya so I’m just gonna use this.Â
Corn is important as it makes the soup much sweeter and more fragrant. Ethan loves anything corn so this can never be wrong.Â
One whole kampung chicken.
Head chopped off, bishop nose trimmed, skinned and all ready to go into that hot boiling water.Â
I was about to chop the head off this chicken when Ethan entered the kitchen. He screamed and ran out as quick as lightning. I hope he won’t have nightmares tonight. Haha >_<
Giant red dates.
Red dates is good to nourish blood. It is especially good for breastfeeding moms like me :)
Mushrooms is said to help improve memory so I always boil mushrooms in my soups. I need it badly as my memory is failing me from the severe lack of sleep. It is equally important to Ethan as it helps him in his studies.Â
Goji Berries.
Anti-oxidant and also good for vision. Maybe if the Daddy eats this everyday, he’ll get X-ray vision..
Potatoes is good for stronger bones. Growing children as well as breastfeeding moms should take more potato in our diet :)
Big onion.
I just love the sweetness of big onions in soups.Â
The above are all the ingredients I need for a delicious bowl of CONSTIPATION relief soup. Just bring a huge pot of water to boil and dump everything in. Season with salt.
Papaya and corn soup.
Constipation relief soup aka sup mencegah sembelit :D
We don’t eat the papaya but just drink the soup. The next day when little Ayden poo, I can actually smell papaya in his diapers. That’s how I know this soup works! LoL!Â
Eyewwwwwwwww!!! The cock…I mean, chicken head!!! :D :D :D
I did not know papaya help relieve constipation. Now I learn something this morning! ^^ your soup look great!
I just cooked pork rib corn soup the other day.
Good morning! You must be sleeping now hehe.
Very good tips Merryn! :)
I get constipated a lot too, but my fix is simple – drink coffee (it makes you poop, seriously). For a healthier alternative, I just eat lots of Weet Bix. I’ll try your remedies next time!
Seriously? Poo with papaya smell? o_O”
First popsicles, now camouflage in soup. I like how you cheat your kids to eat things that they dislike rather than using the brute force methods, :D
Yeah lah. No point forcing. We don’t like ppl to force us so we shall not do the same to the kids. Once you are a parent, you’ll think of a million ways to ‘cheat’ your child to do things they don’t like doing. haha!
So you throw the papaya in the soup away? Why not eat the papaya too? I see you use ripe papayas so wouldn’t the papaya sort of melt into the soup?