Our Evening of Video Recording
Our Saturday started off as usual with Ethan going for his Taekwando class and returning home excitedly with his green belt. He’s a green belt now. That is equivalent to Green Lantern. Before this he was a Minion (yellow belt) :P
After that he showered, took a quick lunch and we hurried off to Westin KL for a video shoot for a client. I shall not divulge more about it until the video or the product is officially launched. I was clueless prior to the shooting today. All I knew was the client wanted my family to be in the shoot too so I dressed my heroes up handsomely. I wasn’t even told of the dress code so I decided smart casual will do.
My little heroes. The Daddy hero dressed up in blue shirt too but no picture of him this time.
Ethan’s teacher told him to get a hair cut already as his hair is considered long for Chinese school going children. I told Ethan to tell the teacher to give him until the end of this week so that he can be handsome a bit for the recording today. Otherwise he not so good looking lah with very short hair!
Upon arrival at the location and after the briefing, the client decided that Ayden is too young to be in the video as the recording requires us to be seated for quite some time (we took two hours to complete the shoot) and they are afraid that Ayden might not be able to sit still that long. I agree. Ayden can’t even sit still for an entire two minutes! That also means I have to sacrifice the Daddy out of the video so he can babysit Ayden while Ethan and I are recording. The Daddy was ever so happy to be out. He said all stress suddenly vanished! LoL!
Suddenly the client asked me, “you prepared the answers to all the questions already?” and I was like, “what questions?”. Darn. I was supposed to receive a set of questions beforehand but I did not. So there I was, all blank! Luckily the Creative Director was very nice. He guided me through it all patiently. But still, I wasn’t very pleased with my performance. I believe I could have done better if I was better prepared :( But again, client was very nice. They said it is good in a way that I came unprepared as my answers are now genuine and not scripted.
Ethan and I during the shoot.
I was surprised that during the entire two hours Ethan and I were recording, Ayden did not even once come out of the room to disturb me. But just as we were about to wrap up the shoot, the little hero came out running to me.
The crew allowed Ayden to sit with Ethan and took some shots of them. I don’t know if they are going to use that footage or not but I like this picture :D
All in all it was an awesome experience. I must thank my lucky stars for all the opportunities that are given to us. Most of all, I am thankful to have such a sporting and supportive husband and kids to do all these with me :)
You’re obviously not shooting videos for the clothes or the sofa, I think I have a pretty good idea on what promo it will be for :D
Promo for the gadget Ethan is holding? Can’t wait to see the video.
The little heroes both looking great there. I will like to see Ayden with his cute tiger hat on.
I love love love the last photo!!! <3