Bird Watching
How was your long weekend? Mine was not very productive. Darling was caught in a flood. He managed to drive through it without stalling the car but lost the number plate. Our poor number plate must be drifting somewhere, alone and afraid. Think Cast Away :(
Did not get to do things that I planned to do due to some unforeseen circumstances but hey, at least we get to go window shopping on Saturday. I think I was the only one doing window shopping ‘coz the boys are too busy bird watching..
Macam tu lah my weekend. Oh we did some real shopping too. Car shopping. We bought a new car and took lots of pics but too tired to post it now. Next post okay? Coz now all I want to do is SLEEP! Zzz…
Tags: comic
Hmm… why was it bird watching? it should refer to people watching men no (for some reasons)? :D
LoL Ken! It took me a whole ten minutes to digest what you wrote! >_<
I still cannot get what he means here.
Haiyar!!! I thought you went and peeked at what bird one!!!??? Wah!!!!! Bought a new car? Ooooooo!!!!! So kaya!
Cool, new car! Looking forward to the next post!
Wah ..new car !! You better don’t drive it first ! :P
Aiya! I thought bird watching means somewhere at KL Bird Park!
bird watching?? watch what bird bird?? haha.. aiyoh, car shopping!! so rich tai-tai lifestyle la.. nothing to do then go car shopping lor, see nice car then point at it, tell the sales you want that, flip your hair and flick your Gucci shades then pass him your platinum card~~ :p
So cute! :)
Nottie nottie see bird as in girls ya…. LOL
Wah, Ayden says don’t wat ngor mommy! :)