A Color A Day Porridge For Babies
Ayden is exactly 11 months now and I am very thankful that he is still enjoying his porridge.
I try to make his porridge more interesting by having color themes during weekdays. Weekends will be colorful rainbow porridge. The reason I make color themed porridge is for Ayden to be able to taste the different core ingredients throughout the week and not be bored down with the usual mix of everything. It’s also a great way to introduce colors to the little one. Show him his porridge and say out the color. If he eats this long enough, he’ll definitely learn his color one day! Haha!
The 5 different colours of porridge from Monday to Friday. A color a day keeps the doctor away? :P
* Before I get started on the colored porridge, you might want to refer back to my post here on how I prepare porridge for Ayden. I don’t chop the ingredients but rather just dump everything into the porridge and mashed it later.
* You might also want to refer to my post here on how to make your own chicken stock.
* I do not add salt into Ayden’s porridge. It is not encouraged to add salt into your baby’s porridge as their kidneys have yet to fully mature.
Let’s start with PURPLE.
I use purple carrot to get a beautiful shade of purple porridge.
Basic ingredients are purple carrot, potato and broccoli.
Peel potato and purple carrot. Add rice (washed), homemade chicken stock, potato, purple carrot and broccoli into rice cooker and set to PORRIDGE.
Once cooked, mash all the ingredients and you’ll get a lovely hue of purple porridge.
Ingredients: Sakura pork rib, beet root and broccoli
As usual, peel beet root and add all in the rice cooker and boil. Mash.Â
Delicious red porridge.
Ingredients: Spinach from my garden, broccoli, sakura pork rib and potato
Add rice, water, pork rib and potato and boil into porridge. Steam broccoli, mash and add into the porridge. Chop the spinach into small pieces and add into the porridge. Mix well. Serve.
I guarantee your baby will be as strong as POPEYE after eating this green porridge :P
Ingredients: Carrot, potato, homemade chicken stock.
For this orange porridge, I juiced a carrot to cook the porridge.Â
Add rice, chicken stock, carrot juice, peeled carrot and potato and boil. Mash.
Interesting and equally yummy orange porridge for babies.
Ingredient: Corn, potato and homemade chicken stock.
Blend corn. Add peeled potato, blended corn together with the juice, rice and chicken stock and boil.Â
A bit runny as I added too much corn juice but this sweet yellow porridge is still very delicious.Â
There you go. FIVE colors for FIVE days. Enjoy!
Purple carrot? Gee, I’m so kuno. Never seen those. Japanese sweet potatoes are purple too.
Mine last time only got 3 colors, green, orange and yellow only.
Yours are so colorful.
Wow…so colourful ! Babies like Ayden sure like it. Can I have some too ??
Yeah, we mommies have the same thoughts! :D
I too have prepared my baby’s colorful porridges that he ate when he was younger
Wow! Colourful porridge. Very creative. Baby Ayden must be enjoying his colourful porridge.
I just found out my Jamie is allergic to carrot. He developed itchy skin especially on his arms.
Interesting, Merryn, give yourself a big clap for cooking these 5 colours porridge. All are so healthy and nutritious. Baby Ayden will grow up fast and good. Good mummy = happy baby. Two thumbs up to you .
aiyoh, i really love all those colors lah!! 5 different colors from Monday to Friday, what about Saturday and Sunday?? Submerryn Kitchen closed?? haha~~ :p
Rainbow meal, so fascinating!
Ayden is so blessed with you as his mommy. Pretty colourful food and the best is the colours are natural!
absolutely amazing!!! how fun it must be to experiment. i can’t wait till i have my very own kitchen to kickstart my own food experiments! :D
This porridge can give to 6 months baby???