Dinoscovery by Dinosaurs Live! @ Avenue K
We got the opportunity to enter a time warp to the Mesozoic Era at the Dinoscovery by Dinosaurs Live! Exhibition in Avenue K yesterday. Dinoscovery by Dinosaurs Live! is designed to provide a highly exhilarating experience whereby visitors are able to see larger-than-life dinosaurs move and hear them roar in their habitat.
Dinoscovery by Dinosaurs Live! exhibition price list.
Ethan, suspiciously entering the venue not knowing what to expect except dinosaurs and more dinosaurs!
The moment you enter the venue, you’ll be equipped with a paleontologist vest, map, headlight and a RFID band which will guide you through the hunt to detect nearby specimens.
Upon completion of each activity, you’ll need to stick a sticker to the map accordingly to enable you to redeem a Junior or Expert Paleontologist patch from the Dinoscovery Captain at the end of the tour.
Ethan’s map and stickers made visible by his headlight as it is quite dim in there.
Ethan climbing a wall to have a glimpse of a prehistoric bird’s nest.
Shh… I’m on a mission to steal a prehistoric bird egg. If you see the Mommy bird around give me a holler before I get eaten kay? :P
Ethan trying to save the dinosaurs by shooting pests
Daddy to the rescue!
Here’s Ethan getting his hands dirty by excavating for fossils and handling dinosaur poo.
Darling and Ayden at the volcano machine erupting it.
The exhibition’s mini cinema also provides the chance to see these reptiles in 3D hence giving a realistic visual experience for enthusiasts.
The dinosaurs here move and roar so it’s a wonder that Ayden remained calm throughout our entire 2 hours in there!
Photo opportunity with a T-Rex by the waterfall.
More photo opportunity.
Ethan had fun and wants to go again this coming school holidays.
For more information on Dinoscovery : http://discoveria.com.my/
Indeed :D
Thanks for the info. More places for my kids to enjoy during the holidays.
It’s opposite KLCC in case you dont know :)
Ok. Maybe we can go together !
You take Ethan to go with WeiHern la so I can go paktor with hubby. Haha! ^_^
Sounds fun!
Yes! Bring your anak. Wait.. You have no anak. Get your parents to bring you here during the school holidays! LoL! :P
Look so interesting with that headlights and many activities. Ayden boy is such a good baby
Ethan loves the gears they provided. Made him get into ‘character’ to really ‘feel’ it :)
Oohh…nice. This will be a great place for them to explore during the school holidays!
Mommy Ling,
You are local, go during normal weekends better. School holidays sure pack with outstation visitors :)
I also want to go. Brought my 2 kids to Petrosains Dinotrek last Dec. My boy relunctant to go in when heard the dinosaurs roaring. Lol. But it is fun to visit this type of exhibition.
Going to KL this month end. See have time, will drop by this place. Shown my kids your photos and both shouted with excitement. Lol.
wow so fun, can’t wait to go.. hehe..
Yeeeee….the little one not scared one kah? So hebat!
hmmm interesting world of dinosaurs!! guess the kids (and the big kid) would love this place!! so much to learn and to explore..
p/s: first time ever in my life I see children are charged at a higher fees than adults!!! =.=”
SK, the fees are higher for kids because they have a lot of activities to do in there. Just like KidZania’s fee structure where adults pay the minimal fee while kids pay more :)
Wonder why the ticket price for child is more expensive?
Becoz the activities there are more for kids rather than adult. Have you been to Kidzania? It’s the same there.
Never been to Kidzania :(
Wah, looks like a nice place to visit leh!
Ethan is very sporty!
Seems like a very educational place. Gonna bookmark this!
bay is a huge fan of dinosaurs!!! i wonder if we can still go if we have no kids with us. hahaha. ohmygosh, it really looks like fun! :D
the signboard says no photography, but you have some many pixes taken. sure can or not?
Kenot. But you know the wonders of handphone cam? When the staffs are busy then you know what you shud cepat cepat do la :P