Learn Physics at Petrosains KLCC
Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein, Marie Curie and Michael Faraday. What do all 4 of them have in common?
No, it’s not their WACKY hairstyles!! It’s PHYSICS!
Physics i.e ‘knowledge of nature’ is the natural science that involves the study of matter and its motion through space and time, along with related concepts such as energy and force in order to understand how the universe behaves.
You’re ‘lost’ already? Me too. I can only remember Albert Einstein’s world’s most famous equation E=mc2 which to me meant E=Mong Cha Cha!
I was never good in Science and Physics was my worst ever. At least I am good in Biology but when it comes to Physics (and Chemistry) I’m a goner. Ethan on the other hand, is the total opposite of me. He is extremely curious, always questioning me ‘Why this?’ and ‘Why that?’
Just the other day he asked, “How can an aeroplane fly?” “Why did the ball fall onto the floor when I tossed it up in the air?” I was so tempted to answer him, “How should I know?!!” but I resorted to my more common and reasonable answer, “Jom GOOGLE for the answer”.
I think I’m bad in a way that I always make him use the search engine for answers. What if it becomes a habit and he stops thinking? What if he becomes too dependent on search engines?
I need him to use his thinking cap so last weekend we brought him to Petrosains (again). He loves going to Petrosains. He has been there more than 4 times and everything there still fascinates him like it was his first time exploring them!
He has his favourites that he’ll make sure he won’t miss such as this kinetic energy conversion activity.
This activity requires the child to rearrange those pipes as a ball is being released from the top. The ball will go through all those pipes (moving fast and sometimes slowing down depending on the positioning of the pipes) and that child has to ensure that those pipes are all connected to keep the ball from falling to the ground. Ethan learnt about kinetic energy and also gravity from this activity.
This time during our visit to Petrosains, they are having a Physics Campaign “Science Matters” that runs from 9 July to 29 September 2013.
Ethan gets to enjoy many exhibits and fun activities, and discover the greats of Science, Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein, Marie Curie and Michael Faraday. Let’s take a look at some of the activities that Ethan participated in.
The first Hot Spot we dropped by was at the Petrojaya Station that revolves around scientist Isaac Newton. Ethan was tested to see if he can lift a bottle filled with rice or beans by using just a chopstick without using any glue.
He did it! He discovered that the friction from the beans to the chopsticks to the glass bottle made it possible for him to lift the bottle up without the usage of any glue! What a discovery!
The next activity is his favourite (according to him). He loves playing with the ‘jumping beans’. The jumping bean is actually a marble in a little box and he discovered how an empty space in the box created friction and how different surfaces affect friction! I can see his brain growing bigger with all those information he just learned!
We were also given a template so we can make our own ‘jumping beans’ at home. Nice!
Our next stop was at Marie Curie’s Exploration Station.
Ethan loves music but never know how sound is created. At the Glass Orchestra counter, he learned making beautiful sounds by tapping or rubbing the mouth of a glass. He also learned that the more air in that glass, the higher the pitch of the sound produced. He enjoyed making music here.
He also conducted an experiment using a slinky. He had fun playing with the slinky and discovering how it can be used to differentiate between amplitude and frequency. The picture above directs the sound of the slinky directly into Ethan’s ear while the one below, with the help of that cup, the sound is amplified, making it possible for all of us to hear it.
Even adults such as Darling and I were awed with what we’ve learnt so far!
We proceeded to the next station – Albert Einstein.
Ethan was given a task to transfer a ball to an empty cup using a bottomless cup! How is that possible? How do keep a ball to stay in a cup that has a hole underneath?
We discovered with Science, it is possible!
Look at Ethan finally succeeded in lifting the ball in that bottomless cup and transferring the ball into the one on the table. Yeay! Mission completed!
Ethan also managed to make a coin on top of a bottle move by itself which he said was MAGIC!
Our last stop for the Physic Campaign was at Michael Faraday’s.
He discovered that he can make the frog jump with the correct arrangement of those magnets. Now he is asking me to make a similar frog for him at home so he can bring it to school! >_<
He also discovered that we can actually induced magnet into a screwdriver and be able to lift those paper clips using that magnetised screwdriver.
There are so many other Science activities especially those that involve physics. Ethan is being exposed to physics in such an interesting manner that understanding them comes so naturally. This is definitely a good way to learn and explore Science and Physics.
This boy got so excited over the many new things he learned today that he said he can’t wait to share his new found knowledge with his friends!
It’s the school holidays now. Why not make a plan to bring your kids to Petrosains the Discovery Centre at Suria KLCC to explore all these mind-blowing activities which an adult can also discover and enjoy at the same time? The Physics Campaign will run from 9 July to 29 September 2013.
Ethan takes 4-5 hours in there each time we visit Petrosains so plan your visit well. Don’t rush and just enjoy!
OMG, what’s with those uncles up there…. don’t put these scary photos during 7th month of the lunar calendar la *scared*
Einstein looks so good there – never seen him looking so neat before. Good place to visit, an invaluable learning experience…and heaps better than letting kids go online all day long! What on earth are those parents thinking? Kind of worrying, really! Saw a comment on Facebook – kids arriving for open house will not ask for duit raya these days – instead, first thing they want is the password…
Face it. It’s probably you that’s learning more than Ethan since he might’ve known some of the simple science already. :P
u go petrosains quite frequent.. We only went once.. :)
I hardly go to KL City, try avoid the congested traffic. But should go there during Raya, hmm miss that. C is asking for Museum but I think this Petrosains is more interesting.
Ethan is going to be an engineer. :) oh..I still haven’t brought Gwen to petrosains yet. She likes science but more on nature and animals hehe..
very good education trip for Ethan..been to petrosains here in KK..my girls spent hours in there though it is not as big as the ones in KL.
Looks like Ethan is having so much fun!
We intend to visit National Science Centre before the school holiday ends.**keeping fingers crossed**