Telling Time
Ethan loves wearing watch. He has several watches, some still functioning, some the strap kaput-ed and some just went missing >_<
Most of his watches are just RM5, bought from Daiso.
I don’t buy him expensive watches as I don’t see the need for a kid to strap on hundreds of dollars on his wrist.
While shopping the other day, Ethan saw this Adidas watch that he loves very much. It was priced at over a hundred RM and requested his Dad to buy for him. The Dad naturally told him to ‘ASK MOMMY’ which he did -.-
Thank goodness it was an analogue watch so I used the excuse that he is unable to read analogue clock yet hence no point of buying that watch.
Last night during dinner, he pestered me to teach him to tell the time. He has always known how to tell 1 o’clock, 2 o’clock, 3 o’clock and those with the 0.30 at the back such as 8.30, 9.30 and so on but I never did teach him how to tell the rest of the time until yesterday.
I drew the little number 1 to 5 on the clock to indicate the minutes but left the rest empty.
Ethan knows his multiplication of 5 hence he has no trouble telling the 5, 10, 15, 20 and so on but he has to take some time to count the extra minutes in between those numbers.
Here is a video I took of him this morning before he goes to school.
Ethan at 5 years 9 months
Now that he can tell the time on analogue clocks and watches he asked me again if he can get that Adidas watch. This time I bluntly told him to wait till his birthday. At least that will buy me another 3 months to think of other excuses :P
Ethan is a smart boy…
Clever boy, good job!!
Aiyo, just reward him la LOL!
Kenot leh. So expensive!! My watch oso RM50 only u know …
Well done, Merryn and Ethan!
Yea I agree, no need to buy expensive watch for toddlers/kids, wait til they are big enough to appreciate the watch then only buy a more expensive ones ;)
Clever boy! Can’t remember when or how my girl learnt how to tell the time…
haha clever Ethan, now no way mommy can refuse to buy him better watch jor.
Well depend on the kid, if he/she can take care their watch, I think it’s ok. But of course my budget still below RM100 lah. Those RM10 we bought for C kaput so many already. RM10 each time I spend can get her a better quality one. Last few weeks saw discount at City Chain, Swiss Kids watch that selling at RM100++ get 50% discount. RM70++ good deal leh.
Well done, Ethan!~