Bento making for beginners
Ethan will be starting Kindy this 1st of March. I did not pay for his snacks in school as being a former Kindy teacher I know how ‘nice and healthy’ canteen food can be.
I talked to Ethan and he is okay with the idea of bringing his own food. But that is before he actually goes to school and sees his friends eating different. I am afraid by then he might not be happy to bring his own lunch anymore.
In order to avoid that from happening, I did the inevitable. I learned how to make bento! Bento making is something I never dreamt of doing as I find it really tedious and troublesome. Never in my life do I see myself waking up early in the morning just to make cute meals for my child (until now) @_@
I practiced making lunch boxes yesterday and today just to see how Ethan would react to it. My first bento attempt is without rice so I don’t know if it even qualifies to be called a bento :P
Chocolate bread and cheese fish bento
I don’t know how Mommies out there can make flawless bento as I find mine to be very urm… rough looking. But as Ethan is not exposed to bento meals yet, he loves this a lot! He finds it cute! Haha..
My second attempt is still without rice.
Octopus sausage
I tried making octopus sausages but they ended up looking like ghosts! >_< Nevertheless Ethan still loves this and that itself is enough to keep me going.
I’ll keep browsing the web for more bento ideas and hopefully by the time he starts school this Friday, I can prepare something decent for him. I now have a new role, I am now a Bento Mom! :D
That’s really cute! What’s the black ink on the sausages?
That’s seaweed :D
wah,,,,,,,,rajin ko kan. yela.. kalu buat dr rumah lagi terjamin… tp kene pelbagaikan menu supaya anak tak bosan..
tp kat sekolah tu bukan pun di pelbagaikan.kekadang dlm minggu yg sama bihun ada juga.. nasi pun 2 kali repeat gak…hik3
semoga Ethan lebih gemar masakan dr rumah dr sekolah..
go..go mummy merryn!!
Very nice for a start. i’m wondering how you stick the seaweed to the sausage.
For this it sticks automatically. But if you want to stick them onto bread or cookies, you can use jam, honey or anything sticky :D
Thanks Merryn. Good luck on your bento experience :)
So hardworking and very nice! I don’t think I will have time to do nice bento boxes. Even preparing simple sandwiches for my girls in the morning is eating up a lot of my time! Kudos to you and I know you’re capable of whipping up 5-star ones… coming from a creative art teacher!
very nice bento set meal
nice bento meal..
so cute…i can do it for fun…to feed myself!
Bento making is fun. But needs lot of hard work. U r so hardworking.
Why got giraffe in the sausage bento? Edible or not? : )
The giraffe is for Ethan to use to poke the cucumbers and carrots, it is not edible :P
Wah! That means you have to think of new ideas every day just to keep Ethan from succumbing to canteen food? Very hard work! But very good mom! : )
Dont worry Merryn… at least u know how to do the octopus and the fish.. I dont even know what a bento was until I started blogging and read the posts in those mommys’ blogs! :)
It’s really cute! but it really takes up a lot of your time…dedicated mother! We’ll soon see Ethan friends wanting a share in his bento meals too. haha!
i love the octopus!! So cute!
Octopus? Look like ghosts to me. Eeeee…scary! Muahahahahaha!!!!
You are certainly a good mummy who put shame on me. I don’t do bento at all.
gambateh!!! get some of those gadget to help…
aiyoyo!! kus semangat mak oi!! so cute lah those bento!! what did you use for the eyes and smiley mouth for the octopus?? thick soya sauce ah??
“kus semangat mak oi!!” >_< I used seaweed for the eyes and mouth :)
Wahhhhh..I am impressed! Good job mommy.
The kindy have canteen?
Not bad ler. Can’t wait to see more bentos from you. :)
Very cute looking bento! Way to go Merryn!
I prepare my kids kinder snack also. Too bad although they not eating the school snack but I still need to pay for it.
it’s cuteeeeee! so thoughtful of you :))
Aiyo…these are soo cute! I also wanna eat!
Cute bento!