Klebang Original Coconut Shake
I’ve been wanting to try the famous Klebang Original Coconut Shake since like forever but never got the chance even though it’s not very far away from my parents’ place. It’s like each time I am back in Malacca and pestered any of my relatives to bring me there, they’ll go, “but the queue is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO long!”
Nobody wants to bring me there. I would have forced Darling to bring me there IF only I know where it is in the first place but I don’t. You see, even though I’m Malaccan, I’m as foreign as a foreigner can be as I don’t go out of my parents house each time I’m back. Why should I when the best Nyonya food is available right here at my mom’s? One thing she does not have is this Coconut Shake though :(
Last Saturday was one of the very rare occasion where we went out for dinner. We were about to start our journey to Mahkota Parade when my Dad decided to use the Pulau Gadong way that leads to Klebang road. Instantly I said out loud, “Dunno if we can get the COCONUT SHAKE or not? I MUST TRY THAT COCONUT SHAKE MAN!!!!” And as soon as I said that my Dad told Darling to pull over by the side of the road. That fella oso blur, blur stopped and when we looked out, TAH DAH! There it was, Klebang Original Coconut Shake!Â
It must be my LUCKY DAY as there was NO QUEUE! Can you believe it? NO QUEUE!
Coconut water with flesh ice-blended and kept in that huge container.Â
Since we opt to take away, we got our Coconut Shake in this plastic container. You’d get them served in chilled glass if you have it there but we don’t have the time for that.Â
Klebang Original Coconut Shake with a large vanilla ice-cream scoop (RM2.50)Â
My verdict? It’s like drinking ice-cream with little chunks of coconut flesh just for bites. Nothing extremely great that got everyone raving like mad. Darling had this to say, “maybe they haven’t try Snowflake’s Coco Ono, that’s why they love this so much”. Haha! Quite true as the taste is much more defined in the Coco Ono and definitely more fragrant but then again, this Klebang Coconut Shake is made with 100% the REAL thing lah and it’s much cheaper at RM2.50 compared to Coco Ono’s RM6.90.
We bought 6 cups and they made their way into Nando’s! LoL! >_<
Coincidentally it was also my parents’ 43rd Wedding Anniversary that weekend. We ate, drank and was very merry! :D
Happy Anniversary Mommy and Daddy! We love you lots. Muacks! :D
I’m a fan of Snowflake but Coco Ono is a disappointment to me. I would love to try Klebang Coconut Shake one day!!
didn’t quite like the Coco ono. For this price, I think the shake was really good. :))
Snowflake’s better? Hmmm…this must be really bad then. Hehehehehehe!!!!!
This Klebang coconut shake at Melaka, so far for me. I tried 1 time at my recent trip to Penang. Later only I realize that the Joez Coconut open a branch counter at KL Central (in front of CIMB).
wow..such a sweet Anniversary!! This is really one occasion made to be celebrated…
Wow you finally tried it! Must try it when you’re very hot la then it’ll be super refreshing LOL!
What a sweet photo between your mum and dad. Happy anniversary to both of them :)
I think the coconut shake is ok for the price you pay.
Awww…..happy anniversary auntie and uncle!
Wah that coconut shake looks delicious!
Happy anniversary to your mum and dad~
awww i didnt get to drink when i was there! but then i can imagine how nice it would be!!
Both also never try before ~ Looks sweet and maybe will try if have the chance. Hehe ~ Your parents are so lovely ~ Happy Anniversary to Uncle & Aunties !! =D
I am nuts over coconuts. I must try this when we go to Melaka next mth!
i prefer the original one without the additional ice cream on top. Can taste the coconut more. The one with added ice-cream taste too “vanilla”…
Nando’s allows outside drinks?
Happy Anniversary to Uncle & Auntie…
eh! suddenly from coconut shake to nandos lol . . . (feel like makan nandos now)
OK I will give this a pass. I wanna go Snowflake! Hahaha!!
d quality has dropped a lot since it started to become quite well known. i miss d really original taste like 5 years ago. ;)